Is there an AC you can put in the chicken coop? I could really use advice!!!

That's not too hot to cope with adequate shade and ventilation.

Post some photos of your setup and we can help you get it arranged.

This is what I did when I had a small coop in the full sun:


Ok thanks I will!!! My jersey giants seem to have the hardest time with the heat the buff Orpingtons don't like it much either!
Ok thanks I will!!! My jersey giants seem to have the hardest time with the heat the buff Orpingtons don't like it much either!

Acclimation matters too. While my Wyandottes and large fowl Cochin get a bit stressed, my birds here in central NC would think of your high temperatures as a cool day in June, July, or August. ;)
Acclimation matters too. While my Wyandottes and large fowl Cochin get a bit stressed, my birds here in central NC would think of your high temperatures as a cool day in June, July, or August. ;)

Hahah I have some eight week old Cochins too? And five week old silkies and a blue laced Wyandotte not sure how any of these like the heat hope it all goes well!!! Also I need a new fan because I believe a mouse chewed through the old one!
Sure you can, why not. Just make sure its sealed as best as can be. As long as the frontal air is separated from the rear air. Is what I'm saying is that you can't just set a window unit in it, it won't do anything. You can get a portable room cooler or what we call a swamp cooler.

Also you can make a diy swamp cooler with an ice chest a fan and a pvc elbow. Cut a round hole in the top of the ice chest. Attach fan to top of lid blowing in. Cut hole on opposite side of top and attach 4" pvc 90* elbow to direct air out and fill ice chest with ice. They work great learned of it prepping for hurricanes
Sure you can, why not. Just make sure its sealed as best as can be. As long as the frontal air is separated from the rear air. Is what I'm saying is that you can't just set a window unit in it, it won't do anything. You can get a portable room cooler or what we call a swamp cooler.

Also you can make a diy swamp cooler with an ice chest a fan and a pvc elbow. Cut a round hole in the top of the ice chest. Attach fan to top of lid blowing in. Cut hole on opposite side of top and attach 4" pvc 90* elbow to direct air out and fill ice chest with ice. They work great learned of it prepping for hurricanes

Cool!!! Thanks so much!
Hahah I have some eight week old Cochins too? And five week old silkies and a blue laced Wyandotte not sure how any of these like the heat hope it all goes well!!! Also I need a new fan because I believe a mouse chewed through the old one!

I strongly prefer well-designed passive ventilation (see my article), but if you use a fan be sure to get one designed for barn use because unless you exercise extreme care (see this setup), a ordinary fan intended for household use becomes a fire hazard as the dust from the feathers and bedding builds up in the motor.
I strongly prefer well-designed passive ventilation (see my article), but if you use a fan be sure to get one designed for barn use because unless you exercise extreme care (see this setup), a ordinary fan intended for household use becomes a fire hazard as the dust from the feathers and bedding builds up in the motor.

Ok thanks wouldn't want that to happen!! Yikes that'd be bad we used this fan all last year and it went fine but I will check it out before I buy a new one thanks so much for all the help!
Your temps aren't bad! People have chickens in the deep south and THAT is hot. It gets in the 100's here in Kansas so I have trees, shrubs, and shade covers on and around the coop/run. And I put a fan in the coop. The best setup includes space UNDER the coop for them to hide during the heat of the day. They love that. But it does sound like you picked the wrong breed for hot weather. I don't think an AC would work in a coop. It would get clogged up so fast! Swamp coolers would be better but it's still not good to have their coop a drastic different temp than outdoors. Heating the coop in the winter has a similar effect. I do heat my coop in the winter, but just enough to keep it bearable.
They have solar fans for chicken coops. It comes with two small fans, so not for a big flock, but we are going to use one for exhaust and the other for regular little fan when it gets over 90 degrees in the coop. Good luck.
Ok thanks so much I'll have to read them not sure how hit it was last year maybe in the high 80 and somewhere in the 90??? Not sure but it was very stressful making sure they didn't over heat and on top of that they would drink a ton and because they're so fluffy get poopy butts so yes I had to give baths....... a lot
Im already in the high 80s and low 90s, with anywhere from 50-95% humidity..last summerwe hit 105 with 95% humidity, we free range. But strongly recommend banana trees,typically the temperature 5-10 degrees cooler than the air away, i use them all around my dog kennel and wash rack.

I do have some heat tolerant breeds,but i also have some that are not. I have blue andalusion, easter eggers, 2 bantam sebrights,2 bantam green queens,2 black australorps, cream legbars, welsummers, mille fleur d'uccle, 3 jubilee orpingtons,buff orpington, 2 orpington/mille fluer d'uccle crosses, spangled oeg bantam,5 sebright x d'uccle crosses,1 sebright x egger cross, speckled sussexs, salmon favorells,lt/drk brahma, bcms, ameraucaunas , and a lone white crested polish..

I have a couple of big fans, some chicken waters, but then ihave 5- 6 old metal pans (2-3 inches deep) and put water n those ,last summer i also put frozen fruit in the water

A Lot of my hides are in shafdy areas..

Our wet bulb globe temps put us in the red and black for much of the summer.. is it stressful will they lay less ( of course im getting almost 2 dozen eggs a day. Selling a few,adding eggs to dogs and certain horses feed so thats fine fpr me)

I am in south louisiana

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