Is there any breed that likes to be held?

We have many breeds that are between 3-4.5 weeks old, and currently by far our sweetest breed is our BO's - both of them are the first to jump in our arms. Closely followed by 1 of our Easter Eggers and our only SLW. Even when we are moving stuff around in the brooder and all the babies scatter, the BO's are right there with us trying to figure out what we're up to. I just love them!!
I think it depends more on how they are raised. I have 6 week old EE's and BR that are VERY friendly, they will all get in my lap and go to sleep and love being petted, but I have spent alot of time handling them, I also hatched them and I think they think I am thier Mom. My current chicks are 12 days old and are BR, BSL and RSL, and they are becoming like the chicks I hatched with the BR and RSL being the very friendliest. Then I have a group of BO that just got here yesterday and I will start handling them today, I wanted to let them rest and regroup after being shippid.

I don't know if this makes any difference, but I always pick the chicks up from underneath, they tend to stay calmer and don't freak out, when I get in a hurry and pick them up from above it is very hard to get them to calm down. I am sure this has something to do with preditors getting them from above ie Hawks.
I have 7 buff orpington hens, and at least a few of them will literally come when I call their names, from across the yard and even if they are in the coop. A few will walk over if I bend down with outstretched arms and wait to be picked up. They fold their legs in my hand and wait for the snuggles to begin.
Mrs. Cuddlesworth is in particular an extremely docile, tame bird. The other day it was beautiful out and I picked her up, we sat in the sun and she closed her eyes, puffed up her feathers, stretched out her legs and wings and sunned herself while asleep on my chest. How cute is that?

I hand raised them inside and do spend quite a bit of time with them so it makes sense they would be as friendly as they are. People can't believe it and to be honest, neither can I.

But having said that, heaven forbid Mrs. C sees me petting another chicken, she will run over and peck the bird I am petting or me if she can't get to them. She got me good this morning and was reprimanded for that one! Even though I was laughing inside. Could it really be she is jealous?
My Polish have always loved to be held. They are eight months old now and it hasn't changed. There are a couple in particular that really like it and would be content to be carried around.
I have a BR who pecks at my jeans until I pick her up when ever I am in the coop. Our EE likes to be held as well and actually sits on our daughter's lap and watches TV with her and we have a leghorn who is always on my shoulder. We hand raised them in our living room since they were just a few days old. They were held a lot, but gently!
i have a sweet serama hen that likes to be held. she'll even let the kids hold her like a little baby, laying on her back. we can gently rub her tummy and she'll close her eyes and relax.
i also had a buttercup hen who INSISTED on sitting on us if we were foolish enough to sit down around her.
I have 25 5 week old RIR, SLW, SS,blk star and blk Australorps. My young boys regularly sit in the brooder, yes both fit in, with birds trapped between them. The birds actually have enough space to not go near either child . . .any way . . . . the speckled sussex are by far the friendliest; sitting on our hands. Many, 7 at a time, will come over to my oldest boy and they climb up on his lap/legs and visit. Our EE was rehomed with us and had to be cornered by 2-3 of us to put in her coop for the night. Six months later,, she comes when called (free range) and, usually, doesn't mind being picked up. I took a long time to build her trust. I'll call to her and she'll answer! It's like checking up on the kids playing out side.
I agree with all the Silkie Lovers. My son has Autism, and we have found that the friendliest of all our chickens is his silkie hen who loves to have him carry her around.
D'uccle hens LOVE attention of any sort, especially snuggling! The, not so much. I have a couple of bantam cochins that like to be handled as well. Then of course there's always seramas

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