Is there any tricks to sexing chickens?


11 Years
Oct 8, 2008
Albany, ME
Mine are about 5 months old and I want to get the roosters out of the coop so the hens can have it to themselves. Is there any tricks of the trade so to speak?? We have a varied mix of chickens.
Do you believe in wives tales?

I do some and just to test Grab you bird by the "ankle" (when young not grown) GENTLY. Slowly flip then. Roos should keep their tails down, hens should hold up their tail.

It worked with my 3 hens:D
Another version of this is, if they flap their wings they are roos, if they hang still they are hens.

On some breeds, pullets wing feathers have 2 lengths, and roos have all the same length, but that is when they are way younger, never checked at five months.
17, 5 month old chickens. The roos by this time should be larger than the girls and most likly crowing. Check for hackles and sickles. Best thing if you are unsure, is post a few group shots and we can probably pick out the ones that are roos, or would need a closer inspection.
well try to seperate them, like in a dog crate of what you think they are. Then, try to take pics of whole group and close up of a few, same with other group.
i will try tommorow. there is another thread where i was able to post one of my pics.
Check their legs for the quickest sex sort. The males will have little bumps on the inside, a bit above the toes, that are the beginnings of their spurs. These start growing at about 3 months, so you'll see definite differences from the females, who just have a spot, no protrusion.

You can check Google for sites that describe sexing the birds by looking in their vents. At 5 months, this will be a lot easier than doing it with small chicks, as the males will be nearly sexually mature if not ready yet. (I've had some precocious cockerels that were into courting the girls by 4 1/2 months.)

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