Is there such a thing as too much cracked corn???


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
Crestview, Fl
I have about 30 chickens. In the afternoon, after I clean out the coop I go into the run…sit down with my girls and have a snack. I do this almost every afternoon. All together I think I give them about 4 cups of corn in one sitting. Is this too much??
I think that corn alone isnt nutritionally complete, but one day of extra corn isnt going to hurt them

Just make it an occasional thing

For example, we go around and throw a little bread to all the birds on saturday just for fun, but the rest of the time they are on regular food.
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Corn is my chickens favorite human food. It's fun to throw a ear of corn in every once in a while. It's like crack to them.
Yeah, corn is chicken crack, or black grapes, or.......
my chickens like EVERYTHING. At least untill they find out it is not a bomb!
If the ammount of corn being fed is either a) making them overweight or b) causing them to not eat enough of their nutritionally balanced feed, then it is too much cracked corn. Doing rescue over the years, I've come across a number of chickens who were fed solely or predominantly corn, and they were not healthy birds - especially egg laying hens. It just isn't enough calcium for them to remain healthy and still lay. It sounds like your birds are just getting it as a treat, but every night does seem a tad excessive. If you want to give them a treat in the evening, perhaps vary things a bit - corn one night, rolled oats another night, grass clippings another night, etc.
Corn doesn't have a broad enough nutrition content to be such a huge portion of their diet. It is far too low in protein and rather high in calories and will produce fat chickens.

If an unbalanced food source is readily available to them, with no work involved, just poured out to them, they get hooked just about like any human or other animal. They develop a gorging behavior. Of course it isn't healthy.
I mixed scratch with sun flower, oat grains,& split peas, I give them a small can in the AM before I go the work and a small can before bed, the problem is they think every time I come near the coop I should give them a treat. The BOSS has gotten so expensive though I think they may me done with treats till next fall. you could go dig them some worms they love them and they are good for hens. When I work in the yard I keep a can near by and bring the hens any worms, grubs or other bugs I find.
So, what does that work out to be, about a rounded coffee scoop per chicken a day? I wouldn't give them more than that. You could mix it with some sunflower seed if you wanted. That would be a little better for them.

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