Is this a good example of a B/W ameraucana?Ameraucana expertise sought


15 Years
May 1, 2008
Bartlett, TN
I this a good example of the breed and what are some of the pros and cons?

Perhaps there is omeone who has experience showing this breed?
My favorite color
mine is just so friendly. Hopefully The Ameraucana Police(pips&peeps) will be able to tell you. I haven't had them long enough to be able to assess them
He looks to be young still. The beard and muff should turn blue in the next month or so. This color takes forever to mature.....

Do you have a picture of the back of his neck and the fluff around his thighs?

Who's line is he out of?


I gothim from herechickchick who lives here in Memphis. He got the cockerel from Paul and Angela Smith, if I understood him correctly. Hope this picture is helpful
He looks pretty good. You will want to make sure he does not get any red in the breast area and in future generations pick the roo with the least amount of striping in the hackles.

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