is this a hawk?

Well I would only be considered a kid if you were about 70 or 80 maybe?? Maybe that's a term we use over here in hickville!!! In the picture she looks minature. My mistake. I will refrain from trying to be helpful from here on out.
I don't understand most of your post but, she is definitely not a hawk, or falcon or eagle. Also doesn't look crossed with turkeys. She is just a big boned girl. I bet she is very sweet underneath and well educated - a real find. Maybe someone will throw a Biggest Pullet contest and she'd be a shoe in. When people find a tiny chick in a batch they don't think it's crossed with a canary, so please don't make fun of Zilla. I kinda woulda called her Xena Warrior Pullet, but that's me. Zilla is great too.
okay, so maybe she isn't 20 lbs. i probably just need to start doing my arm exercises again.
also i need to work on my exaggerating. a little.
and i'm much relieved that she doesn't appear to be some enormous breed of wrestling chicken.
not to be breedist (too late i suppose) but i'm going to confess i was worried that she was "game."
you see many of my hens are rather, um, intellectual . . . that is to say they are small thoughtful chickens who probably would not know what to do with a tough-ass street chicken who is trying to keep it real by pecking their eyes out.
at any rate she is hyper-sweet and i already have a huge chicken-crush on her.
please don't tell anyone. zilla's not exactly my usual "type" and my friends would probably start talking behind my back about how i'm just trying to spice up my boring life with a chicken from the other side of the tracks . . .
but it isn't true - this was fate.
you know how love is - it chooses it's own way doesn't it.
thank you everyone for your help and good wishes.
you are a sweetheart - i meant no offense at all, i was just being "dry" for the sake of yucks.
please know that i appreciate that you took time to post a response.
She does look game mix, I love the lines of the body let us know what her eggs look like.
I had a stray chicken adopt me when I lived in Long Beach CA. We think it was a cockerel, but we never did know (we were not chicken educated at the time). FYI, I love your style.
Best of luck with your wayward hen.

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