Is this a hen or rooster


Dec 5, 2015
Springville, Utah
We think this is a black Cochin. We thought "she" was a hen, but we've had the worst track record (out of the 5 "hens" we got last year they all turned out to be roosters except this one. the other ones were different breeds though and easier to distinguish). She does make kind of a "crowing" sound, and hasn't layed any eggs and she is almost a year old. Can you tell me? Hen or Rooster? Thanks!

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That looks like a hen to me. But if it is "crowing" and not laying eggs at almost a year old, I might be wrong.
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We think this is a black Cochin. We thought "she" was a hen, but we've had the worst track record (out of the 5 "hens" we got last year they all turned out to be roosters except this one. the other ones were different breeds though and easier to distinguish). She does make kind of a "crowing" sound, and hasn't layed any eggs and she is almost a year old. Can you tell me? Hen or Rooster? Thanks!
For being almost a year old if it was a pullet she should be laying, though if she's stressed, or for other reasons, it could prevent her from laying. If this was a cockerel the comb and wattles should already be 2 or 3 times the size. Have you seen her/he mounting other chickens, are you 100% she/he is crowing (though I know rarely hens can crow). There are other rooster behaviors like finding food for hens and making a clicking noise that basically means "I found food", and danger clucks, AND roosters do dance for hens. Any of this? I really am stumped, a cockerel at this age should have a much more developed comb and wattles, but a hen should be laying..
She looks like a hen to me. It looks like she gets to enjoy some free ranging! Perhaps she is hiding her eggs somewhere other than a nest box. I occasionally find eggs hidden in my barn or under a bush or the porch.
It doesn't have a real crow, more sounds like it's trying to crow, but does't know how. It is the only one we have left, so I don't know if it would try to breed around other hens. My husband pointed out that it is actually only about 10 months old, so maybe we need to just give it a little more time. And we did leave her/him out all winter, so maybe she is getting over the stressful winter. It is starting to warm up though.
She is a lovely Cochin. Cochin can take a while to start laying. But you may want to start observing her behavior in the mornings. She may be hiding eggs from you. And get her some friends, soon.

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