Is this a Marans? What kind?


8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
I usually like to get my stock from breeders, but broke down and ordered a few chicks from Meyers. This one is "supposed" to be a Marans (from Meyer's Marans Collection), but I can't find a picture of one that looks like her. Any help is welcome! She's 13 weeks by the way. Notice the white feet.

My cuckoo marans, Ethel has gold around her head and neck like your gal...white legs too. She was hatched out at Privette Hatchery in New Mexico.....~Beulah
I just found a picture of a golden salmon marans, which she most closely resembles to me, but apparently they are pretty rare. I doubt Meyers would sell one in a collection, but I don't know. ???
She's a hatchery quality Gold Cuckoo. The good news is she'll probably lay oodles of eggs. The bad news is that she's wildly off-type for color.
Thanks for all the help! Hopefully I'll get some dark eggs out of her at least.
Are you sure she is not a golden salmon maran. I raise them also they are a project color of mine. I just keep looking at the picture and she really looks like she has the salmon breast color to me in the pictures.

Do you remember what she looked like as a Chick did she look chipmonked color as she was a baby?

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