Is this a safe brooder?


Apr 30, 2015
Hellos everyone! I'm new here! For Mother's Day I am givin my mom two new baby chicks to add to her flock of 3 hens. I remeber her raising the chicks (she's had 5 all together, but two were roosters) but now I'm not sure my brooder is safe. How does it look? Is the plastic bin okay?

They'll outbgrow it rapidly, but you should be ok.

I'd opt for wood chips in the bottom though. (No cedar)

Also they will eventually enjoy something to roost on.
Thanks for the reply! I'm only keeping them for about a week so my mom will figure out the new place for them but is this okay for temporarily?
Okay thanks I will get some chips! Is the plastic okay to use, I'm worried it will melt. And I'm not home all day until 6 so I'm worried something may happen?

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