Is this an Ameruacana or Easter Egger Rooster? UPDATE

Not even close to a ameraucana rooster!!!!
Well, I picked up the bird last night and I think it is definately a brown leghorn and most probably a female. The only pause for thought here is that he/she has the beginnings of little spurs on it's legs. Now someone said that pullets may crow but do they also have spurs???

I'm feeling a little guilty cos the lady definately thinks it's an amerucana roo, however it isn't. She doesn't realise leghorns develop faster that feedstore RIRs and BRs and that's why she thinks it's a boy. That, and the fact that it makes noise. The way she described it was that noise of a cackling hen NOT a crowing rooster! She had her first egg yesterday and the lady thinks the barred rock laid it. I have my doubts.

I know leghorns are flightier than other breed, but can someone tell me if they are also noisier? I'm feeling I jibbed this woman out of a beautiful productive pullet
I'm the dummy who posted earlier, but the rooster on Craigslist really looks like my Brown Leghorn, "Brownie", who is supposed to be a 5 month old pullet.
Do you know what color the egg was? Unless it was white, it wasn't laid by your new hen. Some hens do develop spurs and even the ones that don't do have little bumps where spurs would be. The only leghorn I have had was a barred leghorn, but she was one of my noiser birds.
I think that you need to send a better picture that shows it's tail, and the croing thing, i have a blue leghorn who crows. Also my other blue leghorns have little things on the back of their leggs.

P.S. Brownie is a cute brown leghorn!!
Thanks. The egg laid wasn't white, so I doubt it was her, though she doesn't look far off laying. When I get her home and settled down ie wings clipped (she's a lively one!) I'll take some pictures and post them here.

If leghorns are noisy then I don't feel so bad for the lady as she promised her neighbours that she wouldn't have noisy birds.
Daniel and Diva, she does look like your birds from what I could see of her in the twighlight and now in the Varikennel. If in fact she is a brown leghorn and really does look like Brownie I will be happy - but I still don't have a rooster

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