Is this an EE?

#2 looks like a salmon favorelle

Yes he does, maybe a cross? Because hatchery's usually throw in another breed to expand size or color.
first is real close to my rooster.. but the neck.. mine is silver neck. I will get a pic of him soon for us to compare.. for u to see i mean.. ;) but mine has a triangle like yours I think. on the wing, he def. has some sort of white triangle like a brahma. no the first pic is no EE rooster. It's Silver Wyandotte and Brahma mix.

second rooster is an Icelandic male. looks fully or near purebreed.

third is Barred Rock male. I got some easter egger females, I'll show you. But I dont even want an EE male. But the icelandic may make a baby with any other breed and that baby may be a female that grows up being part EE because sometimes EE is mixed with Icelandics, their genes may be tied.. it all goes back to the earlobe color, like people on here, I've noticed, said. esp, when you mix breeds, you can get any color of earlobe which the earlobe does control the egg shell color, but they all taste the same and have the same nutrients. (Edit) I confirm this info.
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Gosh, 27 out of 30 were roosters????? is that normal???
hm-m-m, can we know where they were ordered from, please?
That's a lot of roo's! My sister ordered 6 Dorking's one time and only got 1 hen out of them
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