Is this an okay subsitute for poly-vi-sol?


Argues with Goats
9 Years
Jun 5, 2010
well, since my chicks hatched two were a little weak. Someone told me you could dribble a little bit of poly-vi-sol (baby vitamin supplement) on their beak to boost them. We couldn't find poly-vi-sol, does "Pedia Essentials Multi-Vitamin drops with extra iron" sound like an okay substitute? This is an odd question, I know, but I'd rather ask first than hurt my chickies!

poly vi sol is a weird thing, sometimes it's in with the regular vitamins and other times it's with all the baby stuff. It's fairly common so if you're within reasonable distance to multiple grocery stores or markets, I highly recommend searching all of them. Personally, I always keep an unopened bottle in the fridge just in case.

At CVS, the poly-visol that you are looking for (without iron) is kept behind the pharmacy counter and the pharmacist has to get it for you. I don't know why, but when I was looking for it in the aisles and getting frustrated, I finally asked and low and behold, there it was at his fingertips.

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