Is this an upper respiratory infection? What should I do?

Another thing to look for is bubbles in the eyes. Are you seeing any of those when she DOES open her eyes? I would probably guess that you are dealing with infectious Coryza. I just treated my entire flock for it. You want to keep in mind that we are only guessing and that if you decide to "treat and keep", this disease won't ever go away. She will always be a carrier. Her symptoms may go away but if you put her back in with your flock she will most likely infect the rest of them if she hasn't already. I was told to cull my flock, but when I discovered the entire dozen were infected I decided to "treat and keep". Egg production will drop 10 to 40% and may or may not recover. Mine have not started producing eggs again as of yet. I completed a five day regimen of Tylan 50 last Wednesday. They are feeling better and do not seem as lethargic. You won't be able to add to your flock or the new chickens will get sick. You can't sell or trade a chicken that has been exposed to Coryza because it is a carrier now and it can also be genetically passed through eggs (if you are hatching). Coryza is VERY contagious and the others will become infected within a couple days if exposed. It may take up to several days to see improvement. I have a couple that still have crusty nares but haven't had the foul smell since about day four of treatment. You need to check out your other chickens for symptoms. Check also for a gurgling when the breathe, like bubbles in the lungs. That is also a sign of Coryza. How many chickens do you have? When was the last time you noticed her WELL? If it was more than a few days then watch carefully for signs in the rest of your flock. It only takes about two days to pass from chicken to chicken. You need to start the Tylan 50. If you find Tylan 200 that's okay too, the dosage is almost the same. If you use a 1 inch, 22 gauge syringe, only go into the breast about 1/2 inch. You don't want to go too far in and puncture an organ. Inject at a 45 degree angle. Make sure you find skin. Don't just inject blindly. You could miss and just be squirting into the feathers. Hope the information helps. I will look for updates.
Good information, but I have to correct you on the Tylan200 dosage. It is four times stronger than the Tylan50. The dosage is quite different. You give about .3ccs for a large fowl, .1ccs for a bantam. This does not seem to be almost the same as the Tylan50 dosage, which is 1cc for large fowl, .5ccs for bantams.
Warm wet compresses to the eyes will usually clean them off. If you have some neosporin or polysporin ointment you could put a dab inside the eyes.
I'll get the neosporin and clean her eyes. I hope it works! I forgot to pick up some plain yogurt at the store today, but I fed her some scrambled egg this morning. I think she's eaten some, and it looks like she's eaten her regular food. She's now sleeping on top of her food, heh.
Good information, but I have to correct you on the Tylan200 dosage. It is four times stronger than the Tylan50. The dosage is quite different. You give about .3ccs for a large fowl, .1ccs for a bantam. This does not seem to be almost the same as the Tylan50 dosage, which is 1cc for large fowl, .5ccs for bantams.

Thanks for the correction on the dosage on the Tylan. I have a question. I just finished the five day treatment on my dozen chickens. The information I received was a half cc for my 10 month old pullets. Here I am 9 days later and the still have runny nares. There is not the foul smell again (yet) but could I have under treated them? Should I treat them again for five days with a full cc?
Thanks for the correction on the dosage on the Tylan. I have a question. I just finished the five day treatment on my dozen chickens. The information I received was a half cc for my 10 month old pullets. Here I am 9 days later and the still have runny nares. There is not the foul smell again (yet) but could I have under treated them? Should I treat them again for five days with a full cc?
Were you using Tylan50? You might have under-treated them, or they may have a viral disease, in which case antibiotics wouldn't cure it.
Tylan dosage is 10 mg per kg or each 2.2 lb. An 8 lb chicken would get .72 ml or close to 3/4 ml. A first time loading dose of 4 times that much can be given once, and then reduce to 10 mg per kg.
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Were you using Tylan50? You might have under-treated them, or they may have a viral disease, in which case antibiotics wouldn't cure it.

Yes, I was using the Tylan 50. I figured what I used worked because the smell went away and they perked up. A couple of them still seem a bit sleepy at times and they have, like I said, the runny nares. Should I retreat with a higher dosage? Would it hurt them to do so?
Yes, I was using the Tylan 50. I figured what I used worked because the smell went away and they perked up. A couple of them still seem a bit sleepy at times and they have, like I said, the runny nares. Should I retreat with a higher dosage? Would it hurt them to do so?
I'm not sure, but I don't think that it would seriously harm them to retreat. One problem could be that you make them build resistance to the antibiotic. I'd wait a few days, and then treat again.
I have one chicken. My boyfriend brought her home after finding her wandering around the neighborhood. We live very near the Chevron refinery in Richmond, CA. She seems to have a cold I think. She wants me to carry her around in my arms where she promptly falls asleep. She seems to have a fever and her crop has a hard ball in it.When I put her back down, she squawks madly!

What's wrong with my Chic-Chic? Please help! I just love her and I don't know what to do!

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