Is this Artemis... or Apollo?

I agree with the others, but my Artemis Fowl is a cockerel anyway
An Easter Egger is a mix anyway. They can have single combs. He could be some other mix as well, too, though-actually, he appears to have a hint of the color of a male Salmon Faverolle so could be some of that in there. Male for sure.

Some of the progeny of my Delaware rooster over EE hen come out with pea combs and some come out with single combs. I call them all EEs.
I have 3 ee mix roos, all three have a different comb, one a rose, one a single, and one a V...

Yours is a beauty... and I do see some saddle feathers, back near the "fluff" starting in the rear...
We original named him Artemis because on their first outing he took to hunting ants, so I decided to name him after a goddess of the hunt and moon (under the belief that my little chipmunk chick was a girl). The other chicken's names are all over the spectrum.. from Tabitha and Mikaela to Ms. Frizzle and Stormy.

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