Is this bantam Cochin a cockerel?

To be honest, this bird looks to not have any Cochin in it at all. It looks like an Ameraucana x D'Uccle, maybe Ameraucana x Brahma, or something of the sorts? If it were a Cochin cross, you would see a little roundness in the rear, and the feathers wouldnt be this tight to the body as they are on this bird, it should at least resemble a Cochin, somewhat.

Thank you folks! I think it unanimous that this bird is not what I was told it was. It does seem hawk-like and it could possibly have some Ameraucana in it it. I don't mind that so much as we're just raising chickens for pets. More importantly is whether this chicken is male. Are we all in agreement it's most definitely a cockerel?
at 10 weeks with that red of a comb I would say yes it is a cockerel...but to be sure I would hang on to him for at least a few more weeks because I can see no hackle or saddle feathers in that pic ...though it could just be the lighting in the room...and if he crows or tries to crow (it will sound really wired) then you will know that he is a rooster and wont have to wait for his hackle and saddle feathers to come in. I would suggest getting a chair sitting with them in some of your free never know maybe he is already crowing
I'm pretty sure he's been crowing for a couple weeks. But, I didn't think they normally crowed that early and I heard hens can imitate crow sounds?!? I was confused but I think it's becoming more apparent now, that bird is a male.

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