Is this big enough?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 3, 2009
Hi there, im looking to get 4 chickens, and ive seen this lovely coop - would you say its big enough? It comes in two sizes - which one would be better? Thanks!!!
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is the run that comes with that coop not big enough? im planning on letting them have the run of the garden when im there to supervise.
My metric skills are poor, so someone may have to double check me. But I'm getting that the larger structure is about 13 sq. feet. If that's right, and you go by the 4 sq. feet per chicken guideline, then it would only be large enough for 3 hens. Unless you are getting banties???
Well, I was doing the same thing and came up with 17 square feet, but looking again, I think that is including the nest boxes, and the run is about 10 sq feet. Which means 3 chickens would be pushing it, but with free ranging on a regular basis you would be ok. However if you have extended periods of really cold weather where they would be indoors, its a little small. They sure are pretty, though.
I find most things that say 'big enough for x hens' are full of *insert g rated bad word here*

Normally the coop itself seems big enough for the number they say, maybe only 2/3s that number, but the runs are always pretty small.

My Advice? Get the biggest coop your willing to spend money on (because chickens are addicitve, and even if you dont get more than you plan, they will love the extra space) and build your own run

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