Is this broodiness or something more sinister?

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
My Harlequin is somewhere around 4 years old, she’s usually pretty adventurous and more apt to be off on her own. I have been home for the last 4 days so they have been out of their fence and moving around. Thursday she was out and around with the ladies, Friday she went down in the lilies and hung out for hours laying down. Saturday she never left the fence, spent much of the day in the hay pile, then at nightfall when i put them away that night she was wedged between the pool and the house and i had to poke at her to get her out. I’ve given her 3 doses of calcium gluconate (sp?) 1ml each day thinking she might be egg bound. Her feet look fine, no bumble foot. Her joints aren’t swollen or hot. Her feathers look good and she doesn’t seem particularly thin. If she we’re hiding in the house or under it I would say broody, but she’s not in normal nesting type positions.


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Can you place her in an enclosure where you can make sure she is eating and drinking and get pics of her poop? It doesn't sound like broody behavior. Good you got her on the Cal Glu.
I can tomorrow, or perhaps even tonight. 2 things come to mind as different, I changed their bedding and the feed store had a different brand out of Canada that just said “wood shavings” not as soft or absorbent, might even be hardwood. And the mice opened the corner of the bag of meal worms and I ended up sprinkling a large bag around all over the place, she could have eaten quite a lot of them. She won’t touch peas so medicine has to be dribbled down her throat, which adds another layer of complication.
By the time I got home from work she was gone. She looked perfect, she was starting to stiffen I felt around but didn’t feel an egg, I don’t know if she foraged something she shouldn’t have, or if she was egg bound or if one broke in there. It is sad, and I am worried about the others.
Thank you for the reply @Miss Lydia
I am so sorry you lost her. I can be so hard to figure out what might have been going on. Most of the time with these that are laying that is what it usually ends up being but with out a necropsy it's just hard to know. Just keep an eye on the others and hopefully it was just something with this one.

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