Is this Bumble Foot?


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
My hen, layla, has been limping. She won't put weigh on her right foot. I looked at it and I think it's bumble foot. I'm ready to operate on her but I'd like a second opinion. I need someone else to tell me that is bumble foot before I cutting my chicken... There isn't a lot of swelling like most of the pictures I've seen. It's usally a big lump and scab and this just a scab. Thanks in advanced.

It does look as if the scab on the cut is new, and the skin seems inflammed. This is the sort of injury that becomes bumblefoot. I would soak the foot in warm soapy water with some betadine daily (an alternative is to use epsom salts) to clean out the wound. When dry, ppy plain triple antibiotic or neosporin oitment and wrap the foot with gauze and strips of vet wrap to keep it clean. Here are some links to red about bumblefoot:
Thanks everybody. I just got done with "surgery". I don't know if you call it surgery. I cut it. It took about an hour. There was diffenatly puss and kernel in there. The patient is doing well and recoving in post op (our little coop). :)

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