Is this coccidiosis


Aug 2, 2019
Heh, gang. Need guidance (as usual). For once, it doesn't matter what color you see, it's the size diff. The lavender was equally as small and passed this a.m. i thought this littliest one was going too, but it perked up after some scrambled eggs and a bolus of nutridrench. It slept curled up under my chin after constant loud chirping. The bigger one kept trying to lay on it,which is how I found the violet when it died. I have some kid size footies for keets, so slipped it in one and it snuggled under my chin.
Both of them have light colored, loose, wet stool now. I almost want to say it smells faintly like human c-diff, but can't swear to it.- something that small doesnt cast much of a lingering odor.
Now-the littlest was staggering and sleepy this a.m. The bigger had a bit more energy. As I said, they perked up after the eggs,and started eating their crumbles after that. So we're eating and drinking and brighter eyed but poopy. I picked up some corid 20% powder, bc it seems like it's something you shld have when you need it. But - there's no blood in the stool, haven't noticed mucus, it's formed but wet...if I'm reading this list correctly, I should start the corid, yes? I've already rinsed their water bottle out and changed the water, does there need to be a delay in starting since they've had nutridrench & B complex in water all day? Little one has been very thirsty. And chances are I should treat those in coop as well?
I did make up my mind and received another batch of eggs today, and would like to discuss that as well, but for now they're resting upright, incubator is running, and 3 hygrometers are being salt tested. Will gather thoughts on eggs after dinner.


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Heh, gang. Need guidance (as usual). For once, it doesn't matter what color you see, it's the size diff. The lavender was equally as small and passed this a.m. i thought this littliest one was going too, but it perked up after some scrambled eggs and a bolus of nutridrench. It slept curled up under my chin after constant loud chirping. The bigger one kept trying to lay on it,which is how I found the violet when it died. I have some kid size footies for keets, so slipped it in one and it snuggled under my chin.
Both of them have light colored, loose, wet stool now. I almost want to say it smells faintly like human c-diff, but can't swear to it.- something that small doesnt cast much of a lingering odor.
Now-the littlest was staggering and sleepy this a.m. The bigger had a bit more energy. As I said, they perked up after the eggs,and started eating their crumbles after that. So we're eating and drinking and brighter eyed but poopy. I picked up some corid 20% powder, bc it seems like it's something you shld have when you need it. But - there's no blood in the stool, haven't noticed mucus, it's formed but wet...if I'm reading this list correctly, I should start the corid, yes? I've already rinsed their water bottle out and changed the water, does there need to be a delay in starting since they've had nutridrench & B complex in water all day? Little one has been very thirsty. And chances are I should treat those in coop as well?
I did make up my mind and received another batch of eggs today, and would like to discuss that as well, but for now they're resting upright, incubator is running, and 3 hygrometers are being salt tested. Will gather thoughts on eggs after dinner.
It's possibly E. coli.
Heh, gang. Need guidance (as usual). For once, it doesn't matter what color you see, it's the size diff. The lavender was equally as small and passed this a.m. i thought this littliest one was going too, but it perked up after some scrambled eggs and a bolus of nutridrench. It slept curled up under my chin after constant loud chirping. The bigger one kept trying to lay on it,which is how I found the violet when it died. I have some kid size footies for keets, so slipped it in one and it snuggled under my chin.
Both of them have light colored, loose, wet stool now. I almost want to say it smells faintly like human c-diff, but can't swear to it.- something that small doesnt cast much of a lingering odor.
Now-the littlest was staggering and sleepy this a.m. The bigger had a bit more energy. As I said, they perked up after the eggs,and started eating their crumbles after that. So we're eating and drinking and brighter eyed but poopy. I picked up some corid 20% powder, bc it seems like it's something you shld have when you need it. But - there's no blood in the stool, haven't noticed mucus, it's formed but wet...if I'm reading this list correctly, I should start the corid, yes? I've already rinsed their water bottle out and changed the water, does there need to be a delay in starting since they've had nutridrench & B complex in water all day? Little one has been very thirsty. And chances are I should treat those in coop as well?
I did make up my mind and received another batch of eggs today, and would like to discuss that as well, but for now they're resting upright, incubator is running, and 3 hygrometers are being salt tested. Will gather thoughts on eggs after dinner.
Oh no, you don’t need anymore problems! Coccidiosis in chicks can cause different signs depending on the coccidial species, because different species affect different segments of the GIT. So, you might not see bloody droppings. However, I think that it takes a few weeks to really develop in chicks, and yours are less than a week old… So, coccidiosis is possible, but I’d be thinking more along R2elk’s thought of bacterial infection. Maybe try probiotics and electrolytes in water? I use the savachick stuff but there are other brands as well…

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough time with this hatch!!! Since they had a rough hatch, that might have debilitated them and made them more susceptible to disease. Do their navels look good? I hope they pull through! Maybe someone on the diseases forum will have some more ideas for how to save your keets? I’m pulling for you and them!!!
Oh no, you don’t need anymore problems! Coccidiosis in chicks can cause different signs depending on the coccidial species, because different species affect different segments of the GIT. So, you might not see bloody droppings. However, I think that it takes a few weeks to really develop in chicks, and yours are less than a week old… So, coccidiosis is possible, but I’d be thinking more along R2elk’s thought of bacterial infection. Maybe try probiotics and electrolytes in water? I use the savachick stuff but there are other brands as well…

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough time with this hatch!!! Since they had a rough hatch, that might have debilitated them and made them more susceptible to disease. Do their navels look good? I hope they pull through! Maybe someone on the diseases forum will have some more ideas for how to save your keets? I’m pulling for you and them!!!
Thanks! :hugs i can pick up some save a chick. They were out of startena when I was preparing so I bought some dr. Something with probies in it, but was afraid the food was the problem and was able to track down startena today. Im out of Epsom salts so gave them baking soda soaks . They enjoyed that and are all fluffy dry and sleepy now. The little one is curled up in my palm. Super sweet and yes, cuddly birds.they love being close and thumb -stroked. Off to read the article you posted.
Oh no, you don’t need anymore problems! Coccidiosis in chicks can cause different signs depending on the coccidial species, because different species affect different segments of the GIT. So, you might not see bloody droppings. However, I think that it takes a few weeks to really develop in chicks, and yours are less than a week old… So, coccidiosis is possible, but I’d be thinking more along R2elk’s thought of bacterial infection. Maybe try probiotics and electrolytes in water? I use the savachick stuff but there are other brands as well…

I’m so sorry you’ve had such a rough time with this hatch!!! Since they had a rough hatch, that might have debilitated them and made them more susceptible to disease. Do their navels look good? I hope they pull through! Maybe someone on the diseases forum will have some more ideas for how to save your keets? I’m pulling for you and them!!!
Re navel - they look good after the soak. The 1st time I saw that gunk in photos, I was afraid that's where it came from, but other times it was obviously from vent so I guess they laid in it.


  • Symptoms: fever and lethargy, trouble breathing, diarrhea and coughing -I can't say I've ever taken a bird's temp, but they don' t radiate heat. No breathing issues or coughing.
Re navel - they look good after the soak. The 1st time I saw that gunk in photos, I was afraid that's where it came from, but other times it was obviously from vent so I guess they laid in it.


  • Symptoms: fever and lethargy, trouble breathing, diarrhea and coughing -I can't say I've ever taken a bird's temp, but they don' t radiate heat. No breathing issues or coughing.
Even if all of the signs don’t fit, this fits pretty well. Coccidiosis and salmonellosis are also possible… As with my sick keet, you have to choose between vitamins or amprolium (Corid) as the vitamins will counteract the amprolium. My keet was closer to two weeks, which was why I went with amprolium. If you want to hedge your bets, maybe you could start with 1-2 days of vitamins/electrolytes/probiotics then try high dose amprolium… You can give amprolium with electrolytes and probiotics, but it’s harder to find those without vitamins. The electrolytes are a great boost if they are sick with diarrhea, but you don’t want to keep them on that for very long. Ideally, they have both pure water or electrolytes to choose from, but it sounds like yours could use a boost!:fl
Oh on! I’m sadly battling the same thing with my keets😞 I figured the extra day in transit was to blame. I’ve been giving saveachick in addition to plain water. Washed butts and put neosporin on them. So far the deaths have slowed, but one keet is half the size of the others so I don’t expect it will make it😔 I’m so devastated.

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