Is this cochin a roo?


Star Bright Farm
11 Years
Jul 24, 2008
Brown City, Michigan (Thumb)
These 2 chicks both hatched on the same day. They're 6 weeks old now. The silver laced one has me stumped.
Early on, I thought it was a roo. But I'm really wondering. The black one is definitely a roo. The tailfeathers are what's throwing me off. The silver laced has a smaller comb than the black one and it's not as red, and "it" has lots of tailfeathers. As you can see, the black one's just starting to get his tailfeathers, and just like the other black cockerel I have. Oh yeah, the silver has bigger wattles than my little pullets. It's driving me crazy! Also, the silver's tailfeathers seem to kind of stand up, whereas my other cochin pullets tails lay down. I dunno...please help. Is this silver one even a bantam cochin? "It" was the packing peanut I got from Ideal. It's color wasn't anything like the other chicks I got from them.

Okay, I am certainly no expert but saddle feather are the true "tale" of roo or hen. I learned this the hard way with my partridge cochin. I am posting a pic of him. He is about 4 months now and I am having to find him a new home.

Ooops sorry, got off track. My point is that the black and white does not look like a cochin to me.




Good luck, Michelle
Kind of looks like an SLW, but the feathered legs kinda throw me off. I wouldn't think it was a mix breed, coming from a hatchery. As far as if it's a boy, it kinda looks like it, but I'm not sure. Hope someone else has better insight than me!
I have always questioned this one's breed. But I've got to find out what "it" is, because it's my 3 year old's "special chickie" and I've promised him I won't get rid of it. And I can't trick him...he can pick this one out of 10 others!
They are boys for sure if they are 6 weeks old in the pic! Perhaps a badily laced silver laced cochin, doesn't look like a mix to me per se, and I see no silkie in it, just very very pet quality.
Probably not since they are still in their baby feathers. Lacing is probably pretty good by 5 months but the best can show up after the second moult at like 18 months. I just don't think that bird is a cross with anything. Just a cochin.
Cochins when chicks can look thinner than they will when they're older so the chick will still mature out nicely.

I would take a guess now that its possibly still a pullet, but wait it out.

Just so you know as well that different color cochins feather in and get combs at different rates. I have 10 Blue and 10 Birchen. I can tell already I have 8 of 10 Blue roos so I'm going to be homing some and keeping some for another breeding project I'm going to start when I can.

The Birchen however, are just now starting to barely get combs. I'm noticing silver saddle feathers coming in on 3 of my 10 Birchens so I think I've got 7 pullets and 3 roos.

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