Is this d’Uccle pullet really a pullet?


Enthusiasm Enthusiast
Dec 27, 2020
Deep South
Hey y’all!

This is Tuffet, and she hatched in August. Since then she has looked different than the confirmed d’Uccle pullets I have. She is much darker, slightly bigger, and doesn’t really have hen feathering. She hasn’t crowed, ever, but it may be because she’s at the bottom of the pecking order.

Is “she” a he?


Here she is next to her sisters.
Oh goodness :th Tuff is my first boy! I’m not really supposed to have a boy in city limits, but my neighbors don’t care and d’Uccles are quiet anyway.It’s always the favorite, isn’t it?
He is very handsome at least. Sorry you can't keep him. But remember, the rule is there because of your neighbors. Some neighbors don't mind.

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