Is this even a chicken?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 14, 2014

She's supposed to be a buff orpington. Obviously not. She is 5 months old. I don't see any starter crom or waddles like I do on my other girls (buff orp, leghorns, barred rocks, RIR, NH red)
She looks like an Eadter Egger. With her puffy little cheeks. Are her legs greenish?
She is a white easter egger/ameraucana. Those puffy cheeks and beard give it away and the tiny comb, lack of waddles and feathering mean she's a pullet for sure. Might not be what you thought but I think that blue eggs would be a pleasant surprise.

Here's another picture of her. I didn't know about easter Eggers (other than aruacanas). She does appear to have green legs.

Does this mean we will be getting blue eggs or is that still rare?

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