Is this gosling ok?

You will see her start flourish when she has some good grocery's in her tummy! When fed properly they will really shape up quicker than you think. The feathering may not be the best this year due to such an awful setback from hatching and the others eating her feather's. But she will start to grow her feather's back when all the good food gives a good kick in her system......
This is what I wanted to do to this gosling.

Did you call the police, ASAP or Humane Society on these people. They need all the animals taken away. If they need proof just send the picture of your gosling to them and tell them there is 40 more like this there. You can also ask them to get back with you on what they did about this. Please let me know......
The gosling is going to need a good week or two before we can see a real improvement on the darling. But yes, looks better than when you brought the poor thing home.
You might want to check those feet to see if they have mites in them???? They are awful nasty looking. That you will have to have a vet check the feet.

Did you call on those people? Just wondering because it is killing me to think that there are so many others in that same awful shameful condition!!!!
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I am glad to see the baby has some turkey friends to run with. I feel so sorry for that baby from the experience it went through. I would be hugging and loving that one a lot! But so good to see it outside and doing well. Makes me happy just to know this one now has some great parents that care!!!!

So glad you called and they responded. I wonder if they did anything to those people? I hope they took them all away from them!

Keep us posted on the baby's progress.... Will love seeing it get weight on and feathers in.....
Ok so her feet are good now! They were just very muddy :/ also i think she might have more frathers growing in! I am going to post a new pic. Pretty soon

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