Is this gosling ok?

I've seen that happen to geese before. When they get wet or muddy for too long they go bald. Give her a warm bath. It'll help. Her feet look fine,IMO.
She would probably love a little 'swamp', if you have a dip in grass then flooding it will cause a little pond and she'd just love eating the grass that way. 100x better to geese and ducks, haha.

Sounds like the conditions were awful. It was like that here for a bit. Couldn't keep anything dry or clean. Our little babies looked like that, but not nearly as bad. A good bath fluffed them back up. It's much better now, and we re-did the coop so hopefully things will be much better this winter. Plus last winter was odd, it was warm, snowed, then warmed again, thus a bunch of mud and wetness.
Ok so her feet are good now! They were just very muddy
also i think she might have more frathers growing in! I am going to post a new pic. Pretty soon
Oh she has really done a turn around already!!!
This is for her and this is for you!!!
She is looking so much better and even looks happier. This is one gosling who knows she has a better life now then before......

Yes, I know about trying to take pictures of goslings. You only have one to take them of try 3 to 6 at a time to get pictures. You get them in line on screen and go to hit the button and look and they have done left the screen. Darn Brats.

I had to take them on the move here you can see. I was trying to get all 3 goslings but one would always be out of the picture! Then the adults the charge gander did a photo bomb. Then I got two white to photo bomb. These goslings are not their' babies but the have taken up charge and parent duty.
Spicie is on the first picture he is our grey splash gander.
IN the 4th picture there two whites are Sarina and Sassafras. These are all Sebastopol's.

Omygoodness they are adorable! I love them! I am happy to hear you think she is doing better, I spend so much time with her she is my baby. :)
Great picture of the gosling she is looking soooooooooo much better with your good care to her!!!!!!!
This is to you for caring so much and working so hard to improve the health of this gosling. This is a different gosling then before!

I am hoping that the law stepped in on the other at that place to help they have a different life than what they did......
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