Is this kind of sand okay?


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2020
Is this kind of sand safe for me to put in my chicken's run? It currently has terrible drainage and gets very muddy every time it rains. My chickens practically all have Bumblefoot. -_- Or would gravel be better?

There are no quarry-type places around me. I have to get this stuff in a bag.


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That would fine, but you'd be better of getting it in bulk. Some places sell for free in bulk if you say it's for a kids play box.
It currently has terrible drainage and gets very muddy every time it rains.
Sand is unlikely to fix your drainage problem.
You need to fix the drainage issue then choose a bedding.
Please post pics of your coop and run, some from far back so we can see the lay of the land.

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