Is this milky white poop normal?


5 Years
Feb 22, 2014
I noticed my chicken was doing these milky white type poops today. Some have got more solid poop in aswell. Is this normal? Had a poke at it with a stick and cant see any worms or anything unusual

Here is the poop chart that you can use to compare your birds poop to what is normal....

However, any chicken that has constant loose or watery stool may have a health issue. You may not always see worms in the poop, even though the bird does have them. Not eating enough can cause watery white stools. Dietary issues or intestinal bacteria's can cause watery poop as well. Give her an over all check up, looking at the color of the comb, check for bugs on the bird, egg binding and even give her a crop check first thing in the morning to see if the crop is emptying each morning. You can also post these pics in the emergency section here of BYC an maybe someone can help you more there....

Good luck with your bird and welcome to BYC!

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