Is this mites/lice or nothing to worry about? Help!

Thank you good to know! Does scratch feed and laying pellets not have enough protein usually?
Scratch is not a feed, it's a treat, they're only supposed to get maybe a spoon full each at most. Too much dilutes the protein in the real feed and can cause health issues since it's mostly carbs.
What's the protein percentage of the feed? Anything over 17% is good.
Scratch is not a feed, it's a treat, they're only supposed to get maybe a spoon full each at most. Too much dilutes the protein in the real feed and can cause health issues since it's mostly carbs.
What's the protein percentage of the feed? Anything over 17% is good.
Wow interesting. I was feeding them this since that’s what my grandpa had been doing for so long. I get it from tractor supply.. I will look at the protein percentage! I appreciate it.
That's understandable, a lot of people feed that way since that's what they thought they were supposed to do. 16% feed is fine, as long as you cut way back on the scratch and treats to once or twice a week, if that's all you can find
ok, so, most of the feed they get should just be the laying pellets?
That's what it looks like.
If their keeping circumstances have changed from mainly ranging to mainly contained and particularly if their coop has less room than they were used to then you can expect health and behavioural problems. Like many creatures, chickens like routine.
Try to get them out of the coop and run onto natural ground where they can dust bathe and forage. You may have to supervise them when out and about.
If you can feed them whatever your grandfather fed them, same brand.
Treats are fine. It's the type of treat that's important, not some ratio.
A cubic inch of drained tinned mackerel a few times a week will give them a complete protein boost, as will lean meat and most types of fish.
The poop on the feathers can be cleaned off by rolling the feathers between your thumb and forefinger if its dry. If it has set very hard pressure from a finger nail will usually break it enough to remove.
Thank you!! This is incredibly helpful and I appreciate it so much.

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