Is this normal?


5 Years
Sep 2, 2014
My friend and I went to a farm and both got a black star pullet from them. Both were 1 week old when we got them. Now they are both 4 weeks almost 5 weeks old and ours look totally different from one another. Mine is all black with red coming in on the neck wich is what I expected, but hers is all black, but with tiny white specks coming in on the head and neck. Is hers really a black star?
My friend and I went to a farm and both got a black star pullet from them. Both were 1 week old when we got them. Now they are both 4 weeks almost 5 weeks old and ours look totally different from one another. Mine is all black with red coming in on the neck wich is what I expected, but hers is all black, but with tiny white specks coming in on the head and neck. Is hers really a black star?

Suspect one is possibly a male.... But theoretically both should be pullets. Lots of mix-ups happen in hatcheries though. Worth putting up some photos if you want a better assessment, can't really offer much info without seeing them.

Best wishes.
A "black star" is a black sex link. It's not a breed, it's a cross between a barred female and a non-barred male that is sexable at hatch. They can vary in appearance based on what breeds are used in the cross. It's entirely possible that you both have black sex link pullets even though they look different. :)
The man only owns barred rocks and rhode island reds which is what he told me they were bred from. That's why i was wondering why they looked so different. I was curious if she ended up with a male. We are not allowed roos where we live.:(
The man only owns barred rocks and rhode island reds which is what he told me they were bred from. That's why i was wondering why they looked so different. I was curious if she ended up with a male. We are not allowed roos where we live.

If it's a male Black Sex Link (Black Star), it will have the barring of its mother. Can you post a pic of it so that we can take a look at it?
i guess the freckles arent as apparent in the photo. She has a lot of white on the chest too.
She's a Black Sex-Link pullet. It is relatively common for black birds to occasionally have a little white in the plumage. She will probably molt it out as she gets older.
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