Is this poop normal?

As I re-read this thread I'm beginning to think I should wait 1 or even 2 days to see if it re-occurs and if I can determine which chicken so I can keep an sharper eye on that one. I have corid on hand and Valbazen will be here in 2 days. I should have more input by then.
Thank you to everyone for all your advice and knowledge. I feel much more prepared in the event this is an actual infestation. I will update when I have an answer or solid plan.
As I re-read this thread I'm beginning to think I should wait 1 or even 2 days to see if it re-occurs and if I can determine which chicken so I can keep an sharper eye on that one. I have corid on hand and Valbazen will be here in 2 days. I should have more input by then.
That’s a very good idea! No sense in medicating them if it turns out to be nothing.
I probably should have elaborated on the poop. What I see is an abnormal cecal poop (consistency, bubbles, and mucus). When I see this in mine it's usually coccidiosis, but other people have seen this when their birds have worms. I do not see worms.
cyss cecal poop.png

I asked about the number of birds in the flock because with just a few birds one could use a small bottle of Safeguard, but the fact you found Valbazen for so cheap, that is the better way to go. :highfive:

Anyway, if mine I would still treat with both Corid and Valbazen.
Birds have regular poop and cecal poop. Regular ones are the ones they do throughout the day and they usually pass cecal poop 2-3 times a day.

Regular poop on top, cecal on the bottom.

Same poop again. Notice the creamy texture of the cecal poop compared to the regular poop. Interestingly, I think maybe I can see a cecal worm in this picture.
I have to say that since building my walk in coop with poop boards I have been able to notice different poops. Not so easy to see on the wood chips in the run or the pine shavings in the small coop they used to be in. They would have those scratched up too quickly and frankly my eyesight isn't good enough to pick out various poo way down there on the ground. I'll be paying more attention now.
Birds have regular poop and cecal poop. Regular ones are the ones they do throughout the day and they usually pass cecal poop 2-3 times a day.Regular poop on top, cecal on the bottom.
Same poop again. Notice the creamy texture of the cecal poop compared to the regular poop. Interestingly, I think maybe I can see a cecal worm in this picture.
I think I may see 2? Oh, maybe a third one there, but not sure LOL

Before picking up the poop this morning I took 12 pictures in an attempt to see everyones. For the most part I'm only seeing normal poop but I'm not very experienced in poop identification yet. It may be superfluous but I'm going to post all 12 photos of poop from 8 females.
20191210_070610.jpg 20191210_070726.jpg 20191210_070937.jpg 20191210_071105.jpg 20191210_071109.jpg 20191210_071139.jpg 20191210_071154.jpg 20191210_071200.jpg 20191210_071229.jpg 20191210_071257.jpg 20191210_071302.jpg 20191210_071309.jpg

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