Is this rescue egg fertile? Please help..


6 Years
Apr 21, 2013

I got a rescue egg from a neighbor whom said her kids found an egg at school and brought it home (they did get in trouble) and she gave it to me. I run a reptile rescue, so this is very new to me. I have it in an incubator.. is it alive..? I've literally bought the thing (a goose) diapers so it could stay in my house with me.. until I could find it a suitable home on a farm.

The yolk inside moves around if I rotate the egg. It does have an air pocket. I've researched how to hatch it but I was told it could rupture and smell horrid and since it's right beside my bed (so i can turn it when my alarm goes off when I am sleeping) that would be really bad..
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Welcome to BYC. How long has the egg been incubated? I don't see veining, but it looks as if 'something' is going on in there.
The Mother told me that when she spoke to the teachers they said the egg was only about one day old, so it's about 3-4 days old? I've had it in the incubator for about 3 days?
I'll let you know what happens. Thank you for giving me some hope! I already love the little booger.

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