Is this sticky duckling? Is this an emergency or just slow??


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2021
These 3 Muscovy eggs I have all started pipping 5 days early. This open looking one was first to pip and that was 51 hours ago. He pipped dead center on the side and I saw brown/black underneath the pip so I helped in scraping some of the shell and brown membrane away. Since then he’s just been chilling in that same position, will sometimes move his head. Occasionally still makes yawning or eating movements and doesn’t seem in any rush to leave the shell. Chirps a little. Meanwhile 1 has already hatched fully and completely unassisted. Another is still zipping and pipped at the wrong and is scream chirping so I’m thinking I need to assist him now? Is the open one sticky chick? What do! Any advice please!


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One was literally stuck to the shell and just hatched and ripped the top part of his little beak off! How do I assist???
Everywhere I read said muscovy eggs should stay at a lower humidity than other duck eggs (~55F) and then raised to no higher than 70ish once they started hatching. I managed to help the last two out with a water dropper and peeling back some shell, being careful not to get water in their nostrils. Now they're peeping loudly and hopefully drying off. Are there any specific resources on what to look out for with sticky ducks?? I'm worried I could be missing something, since they keep chirping loudly.

Also - there's some black stuff on a couple of their vents. Will this fall off or should I remove it??

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