IS THIS THE DOG TO GET--Pyrenean Shepherd ????

Marema , sorry I may have spelling off. THis is a GUARD dog, related to the Great Pyrenese just an Italian version. A bit smaller and just as white.

You will want a puppy as it needs to bond to your birds and you. I had one to guard sheep and he killed everything else. THey , like all dogs, need appropriate training to do their job. THey can rough-up the livestock at times, during the puppies months, and need supervision.
We did a search on google and found ours. She was a rescue, she's now 5, but we did not get her as a puppy..I didn't want a pup...anyhoo, they are out there, just look...Our Great Pyr is awesome...we love her!!
Also, make sure you look at their personalities..We didn't want hyper..I have enough of that with my children..I wanted mellow, and Pyrs are..Except when there's snow on the ground...then it's just fun to watch!
I have found 3 pet shelters here in Oklahoma.
they don't have any pure bred now but are watching for me one.
fee is $175.00
I want a female registered pup.
Look into breed rescue groups. They often test them for working ability and you have a good idea of what you are starting with and may need to work on.

Rescues my not have registration papers and will be spayed/neutered so it doesn't matter. Working ability is more important.
THis is a GUARD dog, related to the Great Pyrenese just an Italian version

A Great Pyrenees is also an Italian breed.

I wouldn't get any of the TRUE LGD breeds just to guard chickens, since that is not what they were developed to do.

LGD's are more active at night and tend to sleep a lot during the day.

They are NOT going to "bond" to birds as they would sheep or goats

If you don't keep them fenced in , they are very likely to wander off, and they need a large area .

Don't buy a breed just because you like they way they look​
My chickens are closed up at night.
But I thought this Great Pyrenees would keep away or kill
the coons, foxes, coyotes, armadillos, or stray dogs
that I have in my area.
Then all I would have to worry about is the hawks day time
I live on 2 acres cyclone fenced 4 feet high
5 miles from little town of less than 200 people.
I have and breed Pyrs. They are not chicken guard dogs. They need a herd to watch. I know there are no doubt exceptions to what I am saying but I would NEVER get a GP to walk around the yard. I have 3 on 10 acres and I think they need more space even though the goats don't.
This is so interesting! I didn't realize that Pyrs would not bond with poultry as well as with four legged livestock. I did know that they need a large area to roam, or they will consider nearby neighbors "their" territory as well.

However, if they are non aggressive with the fowl, won't they naturally deter visiting predators of all sorts any way, just to defend their territory?

What kind of fencing would be required to keep a Great Pyr on a small acreage?

It is great to get input from experienced Pyr breeders...
Pyrenean Shepherds
Irish water spaniels
Clun Forest and Shetland sheep
Lipizzan horses
Why does it have to be registered? Purebred doesn't have to be registered to still be a purebred. That could be next to impossible to find if you are adopting.
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