Is this too much for hatching eggs?

Good Plan you can find very beautiful rare birds for less Marans are just kinda the hot item right now and are getting big bucks. I joined right in I just did not pay quite at much as everyone else I am lucky !
Rats, I was going to try to undersell them with my usual offer.



Owner of Cuckoo Marans and Black Copper Marans from Decent Lines
Waiting for my own eggs from Bev Davis stock!! Yup, they cost!
Those eggs are really not all that dark, there is a color chart you can compare the egg color with and most of those are on the very low end.
I would not pay that kind of money unless its for chicks, eggs are no guarantee and you also have no idea what the stock looks like, the picture doesn't show alot of his stock, you can barely see the hen in the picture.
I would wait until spring and buy chicks, there will be plenty of them around.
Quite a few of us have marans and by spring will have chicks and eggs and I doubt you will see anyone charging those kind of prices.
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Well whats your regular offer????, Not 200, not 100 but just 3 easy payments of 29.99 and if we call right now you'll drop one payment?????????????????? Inquireing minds want to know.
For what it's worth I have eggs from this breeder (although I didn't pay that much) and they're very nice eggs...6+ on the scale, which I think is pretty good for this time of year. His birds are beautiful and are from W. Jeane lines.

On the other hand, the PO was rough on the eggs and I only have 5 still going (due tomorrow), so there is definitely some risk involved.
I would say your best bet with the copper black marans is to find a local breeder and go see the birds and eggs in person. Pick them up in person and don't ship. Don't spend more than you can afford to flush down the toilet on any given day. If you are "investing" in CB marans... don't. Not all dark eggs hatch out dark laying pullets. Not all roos are nice tempered enough to keep around. Not all of them grow into full bodied adult males like you would want your roo to be. It is expensive and challenging to raise dark egg laying hens and that is why they cost so much. Wellsummers lay just as dark for half as much and are very nice birds. So do a lot of other varieties of marans. It will take years to recoup your "investment" on copper black marans if you intend to breed and sell them yourself. You are better off finding deals at garage sales and ebay them if you need to put your money to work for a high return and a quick turnaround. Sorry for the lecture/rant. Just trying to save people the hassle and the loss if they are looking for a quick buck. I love my CB marans and want more and more of them, but I am in it for the long term.
Okay, off soapbox now...
I will add my $0.02.

To know if these eggs are 'worth it' you have to ask yourself WHY you want them. There may be better alternatives...or not.
If you plan to show or breed try to buy birds that are near maturity so that you can know what you have to work with. It can take many, many chicks to get a 'show quality' bird even from very nice parent stock. If you just want dark eggs there are all kinds of other birds that lay them and are not 'all the rage' right now and much more reasonable and dare I say it...more beautiful!

I remember people paying $400 for an emu hatching egg and now I don't think you can give one away so if you can't afford it just wait the price will go down.

If you can afford it and only want them for yourself then the sky is the limit for hatching eggs. Some people spend tons of money on wine, women and song so if you want to spend yours on eggs that may or may not hatch and may or may not give you good birds that is your business and no one elses!

But mostly keep it fun and don't do anything you may regret!
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