Isbar thread

Yes, that is the more common color. Especially with the old import. But to say a bird is probably mixed just because it has red ( which is recessive) is not fair ( or correct).
I didn't say it was probably mixed; I said it could be. Considering the reputation of the source of the bird, I prefer to err on the side of caution. GFF told me the following 2 cockerels were Orust.
Doesn't mean I should breed them as such.
There seems to be problems with GFF's new line of Isbars. Pea combs, tan eggs, red hackles, really strange body colors.... more than 1 or 2 people, on BYC, have expressed concerns regarding Greenfire Farms integrity. Their new line has looked 'different' to me ever since I saw the first pic of the new Isbar imports on GFFs website. I've talked privately about that with other BYC buds. I won't share my thoughts here regarding what I think has happened. (you're welcome. ha!)
Yes the first import had the tiny gene pool (maybe not as tiny as GFF claimed), but I think someone, somewhere has fiddled with 'enriching' that pool with something that was not Isbar with the new line. I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I believe that with all my heart. Anyone else notice that since the aforementioned issues have arisen, GFF has dropped their Isbar price from $99 to $29? ...and Isbars are now packing peanuts?!? Something's up IMO.
The suggestion that red hackles might be ok... WHAT?? No, Gimme Birds, you're right that red hackles are wrong.
I have 3 lines of Isbars that are as diverse as I could pull off, considering what we all had to work with from the original imports. At first I had some of the same hatching problems others had a couple of years ago. The diversity I've worked so hard to obtain has paid off with good, solid hatches. My birds are still a work in progress, but there has been good progress.
Those are pretty hens, Gimme! Did she smuggle the eggs in??? It's not easy or cheap to import them... you can't just bring eggs back from other Continents like a souvenier... unless... roflm@o
Yes my friend hatched him and she gave him to me. He was taken this fall by something. as far as the eggs, I don't know. she has put much more time and money into it than I would have, I am just lucky to know her. even though she breeds pure chickens she is really chill.
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