Isbar thread


it's meant to be--maybe. Looking into the crystal ball, I see you as a future pillar of the Isbar community.

The latest eggs I set had very fragile shells, but I set anyway....candled yesterday -- and I really don't know. Thinking I won't get a hatch. Didn't help that the rainstorms caused a power failure for 1 1/2 hours. Will know in a few days now.... and I'm just going to set every Isbar egg that comes along. Even hatching out onsie-twosies.... I'm concerned about the originals...hope that the population can be increased.

Mine are 1/2 original...and have (as chicks anyway) the characteristics I like about Isbars...but only have 3 babies -- and thinking they are all males.

Since I have a great male out there already, I'm hoping for females. Since my other breed is cream legbar -- I'm so so so spoiled by knowing gender at hatch.... but in the Isbar chicks I have I see little tiny wattles at 1 week old....and in the one hatched a month ago -- I see big feet and chest bumping with his room-mates. (and I thought sure it was a girl)

My Isbar chicks are smaller than my Legbar chicks (as in growing slower or increasing in size more slowly) -- and in the pens my Isbar hens are smaller than my Legbars out there. All this I kind of contribute to the inbreeding of Isbars. Anyone else with chicks mixed in the brooder see smaller Isbar chicks of equivalent breeds?

Isbar are medium size chickens which is one of the things I like about them. They are the smallest in my brooder, because they are with marans and leghorns. That said they are not intimidated and just as vigorous. They aren't crazy like leghorns and can be a good influence on the flighty breeds. I don't have leg bar, so can't really compare. It sounds like you may need an infusion of new isbar blood. My isbar use more oyster shell than my other breeds. IDK why this is, but their bowl is always empty. All of the Isbar I have are first import, but from different breeders in different parts of the country. I have noticed, for whatever reason they do not do as well if started out on medicated feed. I am in coccidia central in mid-TN and have lost chicks to it. If I get them a good start with organic feed and plenty of vitamins/probiotics, i can g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y switch them over to medicated to begin the transition outside.
Isbar are medium size chickens which is one of the things I like about them. They are the smallest in my brooder, because they are with marans and leghorns. That said they are not intimidated and just as vigorous. They aren't crazy like leghorns and can be a good influence on the flighty breeds. I don't have leg bar, so can't really compare. It sounds like you may need an infusion of new isbar blood. My isbar use more oyster shell than my other breeds. IDK why this is, but their bowl is always empty. All of the Isbar I have are first import, but from different breeders in different parts of the country. I have noticed, for whatever reason they do not do as well if started out on medicated feed. I am in coccidia central in mid-TN and have lost chicks to it. If I get them a good start with organic feed and plenty of vitamins/probiotics, i can g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y switch them over to medicated to begin the transition outside.
Brilliant conclusions..... I need to get some eggs from you~ timing is about perfect.

good tip about medicated. I have always used medicated on all my chicks from the start, ever since I have hatched. The Manna Pro - was my standby -- ran out and went to the local feed store and their chick feed (LoneStar) is 20% protein. Wondered if that was a problem...too much protein. They seem fine. The TSC where I get it is always out of things when I get there.....

Never thought to use non-medicated. Have never have cocci -- and thought I could prevent a serious amount from getting a foothold ever. I know some folks never use it -- but I just didn't want to take a chance.

Now you got me thinking. -- My Isbars seem in perfect shape -- they just are a bit more petite -- like smaller boned compared to the legbars -- (who are also about 24 hours older -- which can make a bit of a difference in chicks, that vanishes the older they get.

What process do you use to wean from non-med to med -- and is there a brand that you find really good?

This prompted me to put them in the utility sink and take a couple of shots of the littlest ones:

Probably doesn't show in the photo -- and I have to laugh at how the camera lens distorted the back of the head of the little Legbar boy in frong -- he doesn't have the Red Queen's oversized head from the Tim Burton 'Alice' movie -- he just got the back of his head closer to then lens that doesn't show when flattened. Perhaps not even noticable differences in these photos --

The legbars just seem a bit beefier -- and legbars aren't large chickens either.
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Brilliant conclusions..... I need to get some eggs from you~ timing is about perfect.

good tip about medicated. I have always used medicated on all my chicks from the start, ever since I have hatched. The Manna Pro - was my standby -- ran out and went to the local feed store and their chick feed (LoneStar) is 20% protein. Wondered if that was a problem...too much protein. They seem fine. The TSC where I get it is always out of things when I get there.....

Never thought to use non-medicated. Have never have cocci -- and thought I could prevent a serious amount from getting a foothold ever. I know some folks never use it -- but I just didn't want to take a chance.

Now you got me thinking. -- My Isbars seem in perfect shape -- they just are a bit more petite -- like smaller boned compared to the legbars -- (who are also about 24 hours older -- which can make a bit of a difference in chicks, that vanishes the older they get.

What process do you use to wean from non-med to med -- and is there a brand that you find really good?

This prompted me to put them in the utility sink and take a couple of shots of the littlest ones:

Probably doesn't show in the photo -- and I have to laugh at how the camera lens distorted the back of the head of the little Legbar boy in frong -- he doesn't have the Red Queen's oversized head from the Tim Burton 'Alice' movie -- he just got the back of his head closer to then lens that doesn't show when flattened. Perhaps not even noticable differences in these photos --

The legbars just seem a bit beefier -- and legbars aren't large chickens either.
Cute chicks! I have a high ratio of splash in mine and would like some more blues and blacks. It may just be the leg bars are a bit older.

My "weaning process" is pretty primitive. After they get about 10 days, seem stable and vigorous, and have had poultry drench and probiotics, I gradually begin to add a bit more medicated feed every time I feed them. After this time they only get water with ACV. This process lasts about 10 days also. Too fast and they start that pitiful cry that a chick with a stomach ache gives. I hope you never hear it.

As for product, I am very limited here. I can only get the organic Manna Pro unless I want to order over Amazon. Lately, I have been adding a step and going from organic manna pro to non-medicated Purina chick starter to medicated chick starter before they go out. I've been talking with Hiland Naturals about offering feed here and they are supposed to be looking for a distributor. About time to call and bug them again...
Cute chicks! I have a high ratio of splash in mine and would like some more blues and blacks. It may just be the leg bars are a bit older.

My "weaning process" is pretty primitive. After they get about 10 days, seem stable and vigorous, and have had poultry drench and probiotics, I gradually begin to add a bit more medicated feed every time I feed them. After this time they only get water with ACV. This process lasts about 10 days also. Too fast and they start that pitiful cry that a chick with a stomach ache gives. I hope you never hear it.

As for product, I am very limited here. I can only get the organic Manna Pro unless I want to order over Amazon. Lately, I have been adding a step and going from organic manna pro to non-medicated Purina chick starter to medicated chick starter before they go out. I've been talking with Hiland Naturals about offering feed here and they are supposed to be looking for a distributor. About time to call and bug them again...
Thanks for the ideas!
I just hatched some 1st imports from @cree57i .

There was a big announcement on the Isbars USA thread on facebook today. Check it out
How's about more information about what's cooking with the possible funding -- and maybe a link to how to help the funding if that is possible for non-FB users.....(and allowed by BYC) -- dunno.

Don't want anyone to break any rules -- but maybe this shouldn't be restricted to only those who use FB? just saying. What do y'all think?

or -- someone could send me a PM.
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How's about more information about what's cooking with the possible funding -- and maybe a link to how to help the funding if that is possible for non-FB users.....(and allowed by BYC) -- dunno.

Don't want anyone to break any rules -- but maybe this shouldn't be restricted to only those who use FB?  just saying.  What do y'all think?  

or -- someone could send me a PM.

I cant post links from this phone. Maybe someone else will chime in
Hi Everyone!

"So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you." - Gene Wilder, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have been quite busy putting together a campaign to bring new Isbars to the U. S. and start a breeders' association. BYC rules prevent me from putting any links here, but anyone who is interested in learning about the campaign is welcome to PM me for information. I would love to have your prayers and moral support for the whole process.

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