I hope someone pipes up in your neck of the woods with some eggs.
Since sometimes misunderstandings occur, I just wanted to mention that a Black Star is a hybrid chicken, usually from a RIR rooster over a barred rock hen, often called a black sexlink, that produces sexed chicks (from the down colors) that FIRST generation only (boys are black with a white head dot for the barred rooster they will become, females are all black and will become black based with red bleed through).
If you breed a "Black Star" to a "Black Star" you don't have a "Black Star," you have a barnyard mutt and all color sex linking is lost. Anyone who is breeding "Black Stars" doesn't understand the genetics if they are breeding Black Star to Black Star to get Black Stars.
They are wonderful birds, and if you are hoping for a wonderful barnyard hybrid that should lay well, then fertile eggs from a Black Star would be wonderful, knowing you won't be able to sex-link them.
If someone is breeding black sexlinks, then they should know that they will need a red based roo over a barred hen to produce black sexlinking which is nicknamed Black Star for the hybrid.