Issues adjusting to new coop



Raising Layers and Meat Birds in the City
Apr 22, 2022
Northern Ohio
Hello. We used to have a crappy prefab coop, but just upgraded to a nice walk-in coop for our small flock. But right now, we're having a ton of issues. First, I'll summarize my flock and then I'll just list the problems. We have 2 adult hens. 1 RIR and 1 Barred Rock. The BR is the top of the pecking order, and the RIR has always been at the bottom, even when we had 4 hens. We got 2 chicks in September (Salmon Faverolles and Australorp) and they have been outside full-time with the other two hens for about 3 weeks now.

Now for the issues:
1. Everyone hates the nesting boxes. Idk if it's the design or what, but no one will use them. I have a few golf balls in there and just ordered some wooden eggs. The nest boxes in the old coop were very enclosed, whereas these are more like trays that are only a few inches deep. Could this be the issue?

2. A few days ago (and only a few days after getting the new coop) we took in a hen from someone who can't have chickens on their property and needs someone to keep the hen until the spring when they can move. I figured we have the space to why not. Well, both of my hens are intimidating her. She laid in the nesting box twice, and now she keeps trying to go behind the old coop to lay because I think she is afraid of being cornered in the new coop by my mean hens.

3. The 2 babies were sleeping on their mini roost I built for them the first few nights, but now they insist on sleeping in the nesting boxes. The temporary hen has also started sleeping there with them.

4. Just general nastiness/aggressiveness from my RIR and BR toward the babies and the temp hen.

If anyone has any suggestions for why these problems are happening, please let me know. It's causing me a lot of stress to see them walking around stressed not knowing where to lay. And also to see the babies and the temporary hen have to deal with the other two being so mean.


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Did you just add the 'temporary hen' without any 'see no touch' acclimation?
Sounds like she shook up the flock harmony.
Not sure what you can do about it, other than remove the temp hen and see waht happens.
Well, I did see but no touch during the first day, but then I had to put her in the coop at night so she wouldn't be alone. And I wouldn't say we had harmony in my flock to begin with. The adult hens have been bullying the little ones for weeks, and that was after a full week of see but no touch. I had the babies in a dog cage next to the run for a week before allowing them out with the others.
Are there any other tricks besides fake eggs I can try to get them to lay in their new nests?

The nest boxes in the old coop were very enclosed, whereas these are more like trays that are only a few inches deep. Could this be the issue?
Make the new nests more enclosed.

Tho the stress of the integration could also be part of all the problems you are having.

Dimensions and pics of your coop and run might help us make suggestions for improvements.
Make the new nests more enclosed.

Tho the stress of the integration could also be part of all the problems you are having.

Dimensions and pics of your coop and run might help us make suggestions for improvements.
Thank you. I'm having trouble thinking of how I could make them more enclosed. Tomorrow when it's light out I'll get some pictures.

And yeah, I think I really messed up and threw too much at them at once. :( Bad chicken parent moment for sure. I'm not sure what I was thinking.
You were thinking...."more chickens!!!!"
Many novice chickenkeepers overlook the complexities of chicken society,
integration can be one of the most contentious aspects for them.
Right, somewhat. I feel like I did think things through a lot when I got the baby chicks. I feel like I have been integrating them properly. But when I saw someone needed help with their chicken, all I thought about was if I had enough space or not. I should have thought of everything else.

I still have my old coop. Would it be worth it to "start over" and keep the temporary chicken in that coop and run? Only reason I didn't do that to begin with is because my hens have already been trying to get into their old coop/run (it's locked). My logic was that it might make them more stressed to see some new chicken in there and they can't go in.
Is there a size difference between your chicks and older hens?

And the new hen needs to be kept separate at roosting time to keep the peace.

Also you mentioned the breed of your new chicks. Those breeds are more docile than the ones you have. So you need to watch for bullying and bad behavior from your adults closely to avoid serious injuries.
I still have my old coop. Would it be worth it to "start over" and keep the temporary chicken in that coop and run? Only reason I didn't do that to begin with is because my hens have already been trying to get into their old coop/run (it's locked).
Since the "temp hen" is just that, temporary, I would house her in the old set up, just to remove that extra complication. She will still be able to see the others I assume, so that will provide a sense of companionship during her stay, just without the pecking order issues.

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