It’s about clucking time? :)

I'm jealous of your lovely basket of eggs. Only 3 of my girls have decided to resume work after their winter hiatus; two have been laying for about a week, and my Sapphire Gem has produced ONE egg, so far this year.
I’ve read and heard about the delay in egg laying. I was sure getting my girls as pullets in the fall that it would be spring before we saw any eggs. The EE laid her 1st egg the morning of our -37F Polar freeze. 🥶❄️💨 About 2 weeks later the CQ began to lay even with the freezing temps. These two give me 4 eggs each every week consistently. The SOE followed her by about 2 weeks by providing 3-4 a week. The LO started last week, so far 1-2 a week. I guess they are happy with their accommodations, no supplemental heat or light. I do use deep litter in the coop and enclosed run. They get fermented local non-gmo feed and homegrown fodder and probably more treats than they should from my hubby. It’s funny watching them get all excited when he comes outside (yeah! Snack man is here!). Free ranging is limited to weather, a dry area under the pines, and our work schedules (I try to give them at least an hour in the evenings during the week and 2-3 hrs daily on weekends).

I'm jealous of your lovely basket of eggs. Only 3 of my girls have decided to resume work after their winter hiatus; two have been laying for about a week, and my Sapphire Gem has produced ONE egg, so far this year.

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