It finally happened (long rant, sorry)

I hate to say, but all paint is going to do is prove that is the dog you shot. It would be a ticket for allowing the dog to run at large. The person that owns the animals is going to have to press charges for anything else. The Animal Control will not take the dog and the same thing will keep happening, unless the dog attacks a person.

Shoot the dog. I hate shooting someone elses animal also, but I am not going to keep allowing it to be a danger to my animals. Just like that darn coyote. If I see him again, he is also gone. All the other critters I have caught in live traps and Animal Control has disposed of them. I just cannot get that coyote to go in the live trap.
If I get one bullet in him I will be happy.
When I first got my chickens, my dogs did kill some of them. I took the dogs, tied them to a tree and beat the crap out of them with the chickens they killed. Each chicken I picked up off the ground, the dogs got whacked 2x's with it. I left the chickens on the ground around the dogs tied to the tree and they stayed there 2 days. My dogs will never touch a chicken, pheasant or a cat and the pitbull is the same way. All my chickens free range and the dogs now protect them.

ROFL that is too funny, but it obviously worked.

I will soot the dog if it comes back. I now have a gun loaded in hte coop and garage which is closer than the barn, but may put one out there just in case. I called the dog warden today and so far no one has called to file a statement. They have been sited and warned so many times bout dogs at large that he said he may be able to take the dogs if I can show proof of them being out. So, I am to take any pictures of the dogs outside of thier yard. lol I give it a couple of weeks and they will be running again. it is all craziness.

There is no reason for her not to be able to have a set up for these dogs, like an invisible fence or something. It isn't like she is poor and can't afford it. If the dog is breaking a chain, common sense says get a bigger chain. Some people are just idiots.

We are looking at getting a Peer or a lama, not too enthused on the later, to help protect our herd and flock.​
It's interesting that many of those of us who have the greatest problem with dogs killing our birds have dogs ourselves. It just makes it all the worse somehow when an irresponsible neighbor lets theirs run wild.

I'm sorry for your loss. I know exactly where you're coming from but we're fortunate enough to have an animal control officer who takes care of business.
hmmm... I haven't got any problem with dogs killing my birds... but any dog coming into my property better hope they met me first rather than my 3....
here in Alaska, it is legal to shoot a dog if it is caught/seen attacking livestock, wild animals or people as long as the owners are given fair warning. check such laws in your local area, hopefully it can be stopped. and yes, it is worth it to kill a dog if the dog is a known chicken killer.

here is a link to the Alaska law artivle concerning dogs & livestock. you can use it to find similar laws in your area. im sorry about your chickens, i have very similar problems with my neighbors dogs, but mostly with the strays. i just shoot them all on sight because all the dog-owning people in my neighborhood are warned.
I love all animals, but my DH has my permission to shoot dogs that come around our place. The neighbors all own MONSTERS, like St Bernards and Danes. Whatever happened to having a sheltie or and Aussie!? My kids are out alone a lot, we live in the middle of nowhere so there isnt any traffice to worry about, but the neighbors all have 2 & 3 of these huge dogs that come over whenever they want and kill was even waiting on our porch once when we got home and wouldnt let us in the house! Sometimes it IS worth it to shoot the dog....
MGI, I hate to say, but the invisible fence does not work. The dog sees one thing that causes him/her to chase it is over the fence. Once over, it cannot get back in the yard.

I have 2 German Shepherds and they do keep strays out of the yard. They will go no further than their fence line and stop on a dime if you call them. To bad they did not see that darn coyote.

Shoot the dog, because it is not going to stop unless the neighbor trains it.

I know this because my dogs where city dogs. We moved to our farm a few years ago and my dogs killed quite a few chickens when we first moved here, 1 here, 1 there. My first batch of Guineas, my females killed all but 2. The one that I could not get to stop has been rehomed. She was smart enough to know, when I was outside with her, she could not chase or kill the birds. BUT walk in the house without her and she would get a bird and quickly. My other 2 did learn, so they are still here. They have learned to protect them and not kill them, even though it was a hard way.

If the dog is friendly, tie his butt to a tree and beat the crap out of him with the dead chickens. Leave him there with food, water and the dead chickens. Each day give him a whack with the chickens. He will leave your chickens alone after you release him.

Or tie him to a tree and call Animal Control to pick up the stray you caught.
About usuing a BB gun on the dog.......

I would check the local law there. I thought that same thing about a nierbors dog that was being aggresive twards me and my goats. The animal control officer said the ONLY way I can shoot this dog and it be completly legal is to kill it and make sure it on my property. She said if i shot it and injured it the owners can come after me for the vet bill. Another thing I found interesting is she told me that if it wern't for my goats I woudnt have the right to shoot it even if I have little children around and knowing it can be aggresive. She said I can get me and my chidlren to safty in our home and that I just need to call animal control.To me my childrens life is more important then livestock but up here that is the law. OH I hope he dont come around once my chickens get here.

KattyKillFish Where in alaska are you from I wonder if north Star Borough district is differant. I surly thought it would be legal to shoot the dog if it endangered me and the kids.Maybe she worded it wrong will have to double check what she said.
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If he does, shoot him and just dispose of the body. Nobody ever needs to know. At least that is what I would do. A shot gun would work just great. Just remember 1 shot 1 kill and it is all over, no more worries. I am sorry, I hate unsocialized dogs and aggressive dogs. Shame on the owner.

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