It is too warm for it to be DECEMBER tomorrow!


13 Years
Apr 27, 2007
Central MA
This is the first time in many years that I ever remember it being this warm in November. In New England, we have had temps in the 50s and 60s all Fall and tomorrow it is DECEMBER. I'm not complaining, mind you but even with that freak snow storm we had in October it just doesn't feel like tomorrow is going to be December. I'm happy it is mainly because all the animals can still go out in their netted yards and I haven't had to plug in the water heaters yet (there's nothing like frozen drinking/swimming water to contend with). I guess all you lucky, southern folks are used to this
but I believe us poultry owning northerners are running around gleefully
for the most part

So, just to make this interesting, post in what your normal winter temperatures are like and what kind of snow fall you get (other countries are welcome to post too!)...
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Im in florida!!!! Normally its in the 60's all threw november. Its has been staying high 70's even 80's and not droping down! Today has been the first cool day where it is in the 60's like it should be.
I love it! Its been warm enough here that the birds water isn't freezing all the way through. I had to pack water all November-December last year and also in January/February, but this year I'm still just going out in the mornings and breaking the ice which is usually very thin.
Its 36° right now.
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I'm in Maine... LoL I think you can figure out it's like Alaska here.

But lately it's been getting warmer. We had a few inches of snow last week but it's all gone and today it's 60*F and raining.

I'm enjoying the warm weather!
It has been warmer than usual here in New Jersey for late November. I am not complaining one bit. But it did seem odd putting up the Christmas decorations outside with no jacket on.
10 inches of snow in October, last three days above 70 degrees, you are right, l fids, it's some crazy weather here in NJ.
It's pretty chilly here, maybe about 45-50 at most. I'm in the Sierras Nevadas in northern/central California, about half way between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe.

It's about pretty normal here for this time of year, though maybe a couple of degrees chillier. The summers, springs, and falls have certainly been chillier/milder in the last 4-5 years than, like, EVER. We also got more snow last winter than anyone up here in these parts can remember. We are anticipating it dropping into the teens here at night, which is cold for me. I get cold easily--I start dressing in long sleeves and/or layers when the temps get below 70! We're in the 40s-50s, and I'm sitting here thinking, "I miss having a fireplace."

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