It is too warm for it to be DECEMBER tomorrow!

Here in north Florida we are expecting another freeze tonight and tomorrow night. It has been beautiful here for the last 3 months Just love having all the windows open not to mention turning off that air conditioner. There is a big difference between north and south Florida at least up here we do get seasons. It gets very very cold sometimes but only lasts for a few days at a time. I grew up in south Florida won't go back there for anything you can have the heat year round.
I'm in the far north eastern corner of Ohio. Temps have been above normal here too.
The rain has been above normal too so everything is muddy.

We are hoping for enough dry weather to get rid of the mud before we start getting hit with all of the, "lake effect" snow. We are in the snowbelt and get snow by the foot instead of inches.

I'm relievd to get through a November without an ice storm. The leaves have all fallen now so even an ice storm won't cause the damage that it does when the trees are full of leaves.
The animals have been enjoying the extended grazing season and are all going into winter with good weight on....ok, a little The stalls and run ins are in good shape going into winter. Now, if the ground would just dry up some. My pigs are even getting tired of the
It's supposed to be in the lower 50's and dry this weekend. So we will have a couple of more nice days before we have to start piling on all of the winter clothes. I swear, some days it takes longer to get dressed and undressed than it does to knock ice out of the water buckets.
It's about 17 now but we hit 57 last Thursday and normal is 32. All of this gorgeous weather has been a true blessing... I had a lot of stuff to get done outside so I am very grateful.
49 degrees outside right now. Normal highs are right around 70. This week we'll be struggling to get to 60. Brrrrrrrrrr. The peas, lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower in my garden have stopped growing it's so cold. Once we get irrigation, we'll mow the lawn.
We had our first little snow yesterday,but it will be warmer today.I was out at the feed store stocking up. Dh is already hearing about all the trucking accidents starting. I detest winter.
Yesterday when I was out doing errands I saw three people in WINTER GEAR! We are talking full down coats and knitted hats lol. I was like "Come on people! Do you dress by the calendar date alone?" Now I don't know what the official temp was but it was definitely in the low 60s cuz I was wearing a short sleeved shirt and was comfortable as we're most others.
All three of those folks were in their twenties... I was reminded of when my kids were little and used to want to wear a favorite long sleeved shirt and boots with a rain coat when it was in the 90s outside
It's 19* here this morning, November was unseasonably warm, but that all changed with the snow storm that moved through. I think this is the first year I remember a big first snow fall that has stuck on the ground and stayed! Brrrrrr!


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