

♪♫ Rockin' Rooster ♪♫
12 Years
Dec 21, 2007
how long does it usually take for a roo to crow?also, how long does it take for em to do their first molt?
There is no "usual" time for a rooster to crow. I had one crow at five days old, one as late as 15 weeks old. I currently have two black Ameraucana boys who are going on 9 weeks old that started crowing at about 7 weeks old.
They go through several "mini-molts" the first year, then the first big one at around 18-20 months old.
this is my first time having a cockeral on the cusp of roosterhood. So I couldn't tell you of a standard, but my roo started crowing as soon as it was fully grown and feathered. At first he only crowed once or twice at sun up, and now he crows about 10 times a day. Also, for what i've heard from local poultry folks is that roosters that are confined crow much less then free range roos.
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One of our EE boys began his version of crowing at 6 weeks old. The other boys were alot slower to start, but once they figured it out, Katie-bar-the-door!


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