It's 90 degrees in the coop, yet I just had to.....

Chickens ARE smart. They just want you to think they're dumb so they can take over the world in your oblivion.
You get used to it.
The other day,it was 110 degrees and my buff orp was in with my broody hen,my ameraucana,serama and a leghorn.

We have 10 nestboxes,and they chose the tiniest,cramped one that was in the sun.
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That's funny. 100 degrees in the shade here, and as I was just leaving the coop, I thought,"Stupid broodys, you are going to die like that." and then I thought....oh the shame... "I have a couple I wouldn't miss." and then I felt REAL shame.

but maybe I am not alone. we will call our tempers 'temperature induced.'
Yes, I have some very cranky chickens too. Being extra careful not to pass out (from the heat) in the chicken yard. I don't want to be on their menu.
No chickens in the house and especially not in my bed, thank you very much

That is what I have told them.
I think they have selective hearing
Featherz, that is a great pic!!

I bought two glazed ceramic eggs and put one in each of two of the boxes, so mine will make use of those at least and a third once in a while. I have 8 pullets that could be laying within a month or so, so I'm trying to decide on how to make two more nest boxes, though I doubt they'll use them!

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