It's a buttercup!! Boy or girl?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
It was marked as a GL (golden lakenvelder), but I have recently noticed it has a double comb? I'm thinking it is a buttercup comb, but not sure. I was taking pics of it, and noticed it also seems to have green legs? The person I got these eggs from has all their breeds seperated, but gl's should have a straight comb, right? And green legs=EE, true? This person doesn't list EE or ameraucana in his list, but does have buttercups. So did I get a mutt, or is it just something I'm not thinking of?





It is about 1 or 2 weeks old. Thanks
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Well that's a relief, I was hoping it was a GL, but that's all right. Can you tell if it is male or female? I'm thinking male, but I hope I'm wrong!
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That does indeed look like a buttercup comb! But, does she have any pea-combed breeds? Sometimes a pea x single will result in a comb that looks somewhat similar to a buttercup comb, but it usually has three rows.
I spoke with the person whom I received the eggs from, and they said that it is for sure a buttercup. Their son was on egg duty, and forgot which pen he got the eggs from evidently. I'm sure most of us know how boys are! It's a wonder they make it through childhood!

Now I'm wondering if it is a boy or a girl? I'm thinking boy, since the comb, to me, is pretty noticeable, but this is the first bird I have ever had that had a buttercup comb, so I don't know what to look for. I'm used to straight-combed breeds
Any help would be great on the sexing!

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