It's day 7 and I can't see veins on goose eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 16, 2009
San Antonio, Texas
I have a bator w 3 trays. I had placed 22 chicken eggs when I came across 24 more eggs. So I placed them in the bator. Then a parent gave me some goose eggs (which I also placed in the bator). The first set of eggs have hatched (unfortunatly 5 eggs didn't make it). I candled the second set of chicken eggs and I see them making progress. However, I can't see veins in the goose eggs. I can see the yolks but I can't see veins. I am using a mini meg light. This is my first time trying goose eggs and I am really hoping the eggs are good and are making progress.

I would appreciate advice!
Don't throw them out yet. Try again on day 10. I don't throw anything out until about day 15 unless I think it might explode in the 'bator.
geese eggs are like chicken eggs. you shoul dbe able to see something inside if they are good. you can give a little more time just in case but i did goose eggs last year and normally 24 to 48 hours in the bator you can tell if they are good or not.

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