Its getting Hot any suggestions


Aug 18, 2016
I was wonder what others are doing to keep their birds cool in the summer. I live in Arizona and we have already been getting some 100 degree days. Last year when things got hot I installed a mister system to keep them cool and it worked. The down side is the flies. I raise my quail on wire and I have poop trays that collect the waste underneath. Now that the poop is getting wet it stinks so bad and flies are everywhere. Any suggestions?
I put fans up and hang frozen jugs of water in front of them to cool the coop (with a drip pan under the frozen bottle). Outside I change water during the hottest part of the day and put frozen water bottles in the waterers to keep them cool. Put fans around the run (safely placed so they can't get to them) to move the air. Shallow pans of water that they can stand in will also help them cool. Provide shade. Planting shrubs or trees that provide shade can help cool too, for long term help. I don't like misters for exactly the reasons you stated, ends up with a muddy, stinky mess unless you put them up high, and then they don't help the birds much.
Give them lots of shade, ice water, and frozen treats. My chickens LOVE frozen watermelon if quail can have that....

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