Sponsored Post It's HOT - Keep your birds feeling their best!

We found burlap at our feed store. They get their bulk bin supplies in 100# burlap bags and put them out for sale for 2 or 3 dollars when emptied. You might try that, may be cheaper than a fabric store.
Good luck you-all with the heat! It's been cool here in Washington so far.
I have one of these automatic waterers, [ http://www.amazon.com/Pint-Poultry-Automatic-Waterer-Fount/dp/B001L66H6S ] but I haven't figured out how I want to hook it up to the hose outside in their yard so it's sturdy. Anyone have any pics of how you've installed one???

Inside their coop I use the basic metal double wall waterer, but the water gets warm so I dump it every night and fill with fresh water when it's been hot.
Here's how I have mine...Big 18 gal. tub with Y-valve attached to split the flow to two waterers.

Because it's been so hot, I've been putting ice cubes into the bowls themselves (I tried freezing 3 one-gallon ice cream buckets, but...first, the ice broke the buckets during the freezing process so I only got to use each bucket only once, and second, I wasn't sure how much cold water actually got thru the hose and into the bowl for the chickens to drink).

There's a couple of "jobs" for hubby to do: make that hose stay up over the nest boxes and fix the larger bowl (pictured above...have a smaller one that you can't see on the second hose). For some reason, yesterday it overflowed (after 13 yr old son accidently bumped it), and now it won't fill. Hubby said that it's clogged up (with what?) but it was too hot for him to keep messing with it. {Today (Sunday) was the first day that we didn't have temps over 100 and he goes back to work on Monday so when is it going to get fixed???? Meanwhile, I guess I'll also be manually filling this bowl when I fill the 1 gal waterer outside.}
I haven't lost any chickens yet but I am afraid I will. Has been 104-108. Never been that hot here. Poor birds. They're panting and have their wings out trying to stay cool. A friend at work lost 3 over the weekend. Poor critters! Wish I had a cave or underground shelter I could put them in!
Been using Sav A Chick for a week now and so far so good. We're only in the 90's here so that helps. I've been letting them free range more so they can find spots under the bushes and even wade in the pond to cool down. My many gardens take second place to keeping my girls alive and well during this dry spell. Hard to believe, but they are still LAYING in this heat.
I heard that moving air is critical for them when it gets hot. A fan is a must. I went to Big Lots and bought a cheap big box fan for 15.00. It can get to 115 degrees where I am at though. :)
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If the relative humidity is low, say below 40%, prudent misting can lower the temperature effectively and safely through evaporation.
But if the humidity is over 50%, then misting would not be advisable.
If the relative humidity is low, say below 40%, prudent misting can lower the temperature effectively and safely through evaporation.
But if the humidity is over 50%, then misting would not be advisable.
Good tip, I will remember that. We have usually low humidity even though our temps can get up 113 degrees or higher except during monsoon season which is going on now. I will pay more attention for the humidity to rise.
Thankfully, It has only been in the 80's here, but I give my girls (and guys) the Save a chick in their water, have an outdoor birdbath in addition to the indoor waterers, and lots of cool fruits and veggies. I was also very fortunate to find a huge fan (from an RV or trailer I think) for free. It is wounted right on the outside wall. Hub covered it with the 1/4" wire we seem to put everywhere these days so they can't climb on it or poop on it. YOu can set the thermometer so it will come on when it needs to, or it can be set to blow in or suck the air out. It seems to keep the coop nice and dry, too, so I dont have to clean it as often.
Some of my girls are int he old dog pen in the back yard. The dog only used it for a year. I have been aiming the sprinkler so that it gets about 1/3 of the pen at the corner during the hot afternoon. It makes me feel better anyway. That ans giving them the e-solution. i even feed it to the cats.

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