it's not 2012 yet



I think what's going on in the middle East is great. The only country I worry about is Iran. Only reason I worry about them is because if we get another GW type in the WH they may do another glory war and get us into a really big mess. Not really worried about Iranian nukes. I know whats his name talked about destroying Israel but I believe it was just chest thumping. Seems to be popular over there. Sadam knew he was about to get demolished and continued his chest thumping right up till he got stuck in a hole. He could have just opened the doors and proved he had no WMD's and exposed GW for what he was doing. Instead his pride took him and his country down. Killed his family and a lot of innocents for nothing.

We need to be sure we have a level headed leader from either party to handle places like Iran. Make sure we don't start a nuclear holocaust.

Well if the end of the world is tomorrow, then I am for SURE not hauling my infant and preschooler to the grocery store for weekly shopping today. No sense in that!
Why in the world I would believe anything like this?

California would disappear in the ocean in the 80's I believe, nope, it didn't happen.

Y2K, most of you would remember that, nope, has not happened either.

And this one, yep, life will go on!

For October, I don't worry about that either. Too many of us have to fight to surivive and stay alive.
I remember as a small child,seeing people on the street saying the world is ending such and such day,i was afraid,my mother told me not even the angles in heaven will know if the world would end at a certain time.I still get afraid at the thought,i am old now,i just would like my grand children to experence life to the fullest. I will be bummed out cause i never did my bucket list yet,but on the brighter side i would see all the loved ones that r up there! Bless u all!
Yea, computers were not able to understand the change in the year going from "99" back to "00" so they needed to be updated to handle a 4 digit year. It would have been a big issue but because it was caught early enough all the updates were in place by the year 2000 an it became a non event. It would have been a big thing if we had not had so much time.. Not that the world would have ended though.
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I will be out of town tomorrow going to a Mopar car show and maybe driving or who knows. Eating at Red Lobster, visiting friends.....hmmmm the possibilities are endless.
...The timing is perfect! I could save a world in a video game just as the real world crumbles about me!
That is, if this farce is actually true.
I'm pretty sure it will happen 11/11/11. Why? Because there are all those elevens, and eleven rhymes with seven. Or, if you add up all the ones, you come up with 6, and because there are three elevens, then of course, there are three know..."The Mark"... or maybe it's just that "One is the loneliest number that you've ever heard"...whatever. We've obviously got six more months to go. So, we have to do our laundry, pay our bills, be nice to our bosses and extended family and whatever else you were hoping to avoid.

Actually, there's this thing going around about having a "non-judgement day" on Saturday, where one spends an entire day not judging ( the best of one's ability anyway). I kind of like that.

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