it's not 2012 yet

I will try to look for you! I'll probably be wearing a grey shirt with a lime green rooster on the back crossing a road. That or a Pure Country Acres T-shirt. Whichever one is on the top of my pile! LOL
If it does happen, I'll be wearing a brown polo shirt, maybe a peach shirt over it, and some black pants.
I'll wear blue jeans and a red and grey striped shirt.
See you there.
I'll be sitting on the beach with a drink in one hand and a good book in another. Since there's supposed to be some big huge rolling earthquake (THAT was what I heard), well...........IF the tide starts going out real fast, then I'll know something's up. Nothing any of us can do to prevent it anyhow.

As far as Saurday at 6:00? Nobody but the Father knows. Not even the angels according to our bible. Life goes on and I plan on seeing all of you on Monday.
I gotta work tomorrow and then I am going to the gym, but I'll make sure I see all the baby ducklings in the morning first.

One way that I don't want to go out of the world is to be going to or from work or while I am doing exercise chores.

Usually, I go to church at 6PM Saturdays, lol.

ETA: I saw that 2012 movie and I didn't even make it to the end of the movie!

Also, I heard that the "deadline" has passed on the other side of the world with no problems, lol.
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Did it happen, did it happen? They didn't take me. If they took Gritty, Ranchy, BTaz, Redhen, em, eenie, squishy, Imp, MFB, and sirbirdaholic I'm going to be really lonely! Wait, I know they will send the bird back but he hasn't been on line much lately.
This was the most boring Rapture ever. No earthquakes, holy trumpets, disappearing people, I didn't even see clothes on the ground! I demand my money back!

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