It's Official...

42 more Guinea eggs? Or mixed batch of Guinea and chicken eggs?

One other thing I should mention...
If your Genesis is the newer model with the LCD panel you may want to have a back up thermometer/hygrometer unit inside the incubator (fairly inexpensive at walmart, or radio-shack)... I've seen some reviews/reports of the LCD panels on those models being a little too far off, effecting the hatches because the temp or RH is just too far off from what it's reading.
42 more guinea eggs - 4 hens x 10 days

Thanks for the advice on the Genesis - I do have a backup already set up! I have learned my lesson...
hey peeps the peas hatch I have my first a cameo due next week then purple black shoulders then Indian blues whites and pieds then java greens. Found a lady selling out birds buying 10 by 6 chain link panels for 50 each buying most of them will have 10 huge runs.
hey peeps the peas hatch I have my first a cameo due next week then purple black shoulders then Indian blues whites and pieds then java greens. Found a lady selling out birds buying 10 by 6 chain link panels for 50 each buying most of them will have 10 huge runs.
Another gorgeous hatch... and some non-pearled keets too! Congrats

And Congrats on your Peas and panels! You are getting way out of controllllllllll over there, lol
Peeps, or anyone else who would like to chime in...
What color do you think those 2 dark topped keets will be? My flock is pearl grays, a white and lavenders.

Thanks for y'alls input.
That's what I'm hoping too. I looked on a nice reference chart I found on the internet and that's the pic they most resembled. I just wasn't sure if I had to have a RP to get a RP. I know my guys came from a mixed flock with some RP but wasn't sure how the genetics worked. Got another batch hatching this weekend. And next weekend . And the Wednesday in between. ;)
Are you sure you have lavenders the blue keets look striped like the rp's if so they are coral blues so someone is carrying the semi pearled gene.
Thanks, i think they are adorable. Its amazing how their looks change as they age!

Nope, I'm not sure of the proper color to call my adults...they look more lavender than blue to me so that's just what I called them. They very well may be coral blue as you say. Thanks for the insight.
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